Andrés Rodríguez-Torres | Algebraic observer | Young Scientist Award

Andrés Rodríguez-Torres | Algebraic observer | Young Scientist Award

Professional Profiles:

Google Scholar Profile

orcid Profile

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researchgate Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

Andrés José Rodríguez Torres embarked on his academic journey by earning a Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the Universidad Santo Tomás in Bucaramanga. This laid the foundation for his multidisciplinary expertise, combining mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer science. He then pursued a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, further enriching his knowledge in mechanical systems. Subsequently, his pursuit of excellence led him to obtain a Doctor of Science in Automatic Control from CINVESTAV-IPN, focusing on systems analysis and controller design.

Professional Endeavors:

  1. Design Engineer at C-Idea (July 2016 - July 2019, Bucaramanga, Colombia): In this role, His contributed to the construction of five minimum viable products in the metalworking sector and engineering services as part of the METAL-ISI project. This experience enhanced his practical understanding of mechatronics applications.
  2. Professor and Researcher at Universidad Santo Tomás (February 2014 - July 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; July 2021 - January 2022, Bucaramanga, Colombia): As a professor and researcher, his actively engaged in academic activities. He coordinated electrical and electronic systems and led research in areas such as maximum power transfer in photovoltaic systems and renewable energies. Additionally, he directed machinery automation projects at the graduate program of industrial automation.
  3. Researcher at the Advanced Computing Laboratory (Feb 2008 - July 2013, Bucaramanga, Colombia): In this role, His focused on applied mechanics, specifically in topological optimization using numerical approximation methods for solving elastic problems and modern optimization methods.
  4. Professor at Universidad Anáhuac México (Sept 2019 - Aug 2023, Mexico City, Mexico): As a professor, His established research projects to address industrial problems in collaboration with companies, showcasing his commitment to practical problem-solving and real-world applications.

Contributions and Research Focus:

His Torres has significantly contributed to the field of mechatronics and automatic control. His research, published in high-impact journals and presented at international and national congresses, reflects a diverse range of topics:

  • Active vibration control in building structures
  • Force estimation for magnetorheological dampers
  • Algebraic observers for velocity and displacement estimation in buildings
  • Technical-economic studies for solar power generation
  • Semi-active control for building structures using magnetorheological dampers

His dedication to research is evident in his pursuit of complementary education, including workshops on state and parameter estimation using Kalman filters and certifications in Mechanical Design using Solidworks.

Accolades and Recognition:

His has received notable recognitions for his excellence in research and innovation, such as the San Alberto Magno award for practices of excellence in research and the Academic Recognition Plaque for obtaining the highest accumulated average in Mechatronics Engineering.

Impact and Influence:

His impact extends beyond academia. His role as a professor and involvement in collaborative projects with companies demonstrate his commitment to bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

His Torres leaves a legacy of excellence in research, education, and practical application of mechatronics and automatic control. His future contributions are likely to further advance these fields, continuing to integrate cutting-edge technologies into industrial solutions.

Notable Publications:

1 Alternative tuning method for proportional-derived gains for active vibration control in a building structure A Rodriguez-Torres, J Morales-Valdez, W Yu Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 01423312211021052 (7) - 2021

2 Robust Force Estimation for Magnetorheological Damper Based on Complex Value Convolutional Neural Network A Rodríguez-Torres, M López-Pacheco, J Morales-Valdez, W Yu, JG Díaz Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 17 (12), 121003 (5) - 2022

3 Technical-Economical Study for Solar Power Generation at USTA's Main Campus JGD Rodríguez, AJR Torres, AF Dallos, AF Parra, LMA Díaz, LJ Ramírez 2018 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-6 (2) - 2018

4 Parametric identification of a magnetorheological damper based on Genetic Algorithm A Rodriguez-Torres, J Morales-Valdez, W Yu 2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing (1) -2021

5 Active Vibration Control for Building Structures based on ℋ Synthesis Problem A Rodriguez-Torres, J Morales-Valdez, W Yu 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing … (1) - 2020

6 Modeling and Proportional-Derivative controller design for buildings based on vibration frequencies A Rodriguez-Torres, J Morales-Valdez, W Yu 2020 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information … (1) - 2020

7 Vibration Control for a Second-Order System via a Magnetorheological Damper A Rodríguez-Torres, J Morales-Valdez, W Yu, JD Avilés-Velázquez 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information … - 2023

8 Reducción de vibraciones en edificios y sistemas mecánicos mediante control semi-activo AJ Rodríguez Torres

Tesis (DC)--Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN … -2023

9 Semi-active control for 1 story building via a magnetorheological damper A Rodríguez-Torres, J Morales-Valdez, W Yu Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 5 ( … - 2022

Citations :

                            All                     Since 2018

Citas                   17                                   17

Índice h                2                                     2

Índice i10             0                                     0


Joydeep Srivastava | Marketing Strategy | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Joydeep Srivastava |Marketing Strategy |Best Researcher Award🏆

Professional Profiles:

Google Scholar Profile

Scopus Profile

Orcid Profile

ResearchGate Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:🎖️

Dr. Joydeep Srivastava began his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Geosciences from Presidency College, University of Calcutta, India, in 1989. He later pursued a Ph.D. in Business Administration at the University of Arizona, Tucson, completing his doctoral studies in 1996. His Ph.D. focused on Marketing with a minor in Judgment and Decision Making.

Professional Endeavors:

His academic career has been marked by distinguished positions at reputable institutions. Notably, he served as an Assistant Professor at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, from 1995 to 2002. He then held various roles at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, including Professor, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing and Consumer Psychology, and Associate Professor. Currently, he holds the position of Robert L. Johnson Professor of Marketing at the Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia.

Contributions and Research Focus:

His research contributions span a diverse range of topics in marketing and consumer psychology. His work delves into areas such as pricing, bargaining, consumer evaluations, decision-making, and the psychological factors influencing consumer behavior. His notable publications include articles in reputable journals like the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Business Research.

A few noteworthy research themes include the influence of strategic information transmission on sequential bargaining outcomes, the effects of pricing structures on consumer evaluations, and the role of cultural orientation in bargaining under incomplete information.

Accolades and Recognition:

Throughout his career, His has received numerous honors and awards. Notably, he was a fellow at the AMA Doctoral Consortium and received the University of Arizona Doctoral Dissertation Grant. He has also been recognized for his teaching excellence, receiving the University of Arizona Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence.

In 2012, His was a keynote speaker at the Pricing Conference at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. He has been invited to present at various prestigious institutions and conferences globally, showcasing the impact of his research in the academic community.

Impact and Influence:

His research has made a significant impact on the field of marketing and consumer psychology. His work on pricing, consumer evaluations, and decision-making has contributed valuable insights to both academia and industry. His publications in reputable journals demonstrate the rigor and relevance of his research, further establishing his influence in the field.

As a teacher and advisor, His has also played a crucial role in shaping the academic journeys of his students. His dedication to teaching is evident through the teaching awards and nominations he has received over the years.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

His legacy is characterized by his contributions to advancing knowledge in marketing and consumer psychology. His research, teaching, and mentoring have left a lasting impact on students, colleagues, and the academic community.

Looking forward, His continues to be actively engaged in research, with ongoing projects exploring topics such as risk perceptions, motivational influences on valuations, and the impact of credit card payments on decision-making. His commitment to excellence in education, research, and service suggests that his future contributions will continue to shape the landscape of marketing scholarship.

Notable Publications:🎖️

1Effect of manufacturer reputation, retailer reputation, and product warranty on consumer judgments of product quality: A cue diagnosticity framework D Purohit, J Srivastava ( 526 ) - 2001

2 Monopoly money: The effect of payment coupling and form on spending behavior. P Raghubir, J Srivastava ( 478 ) - 2008

3 Effect of face value on product valuation in foreign currencies P Raghubir, J Srivastava ( 345 ) - 2002

4 A consumer perspective on price-matching refund policies: Effect on price perceptions and search behavior J Srivastava, N Lurie ( 276 )      - 2001

5 Partitioned presentation of multicomponent bundle prices: Evaluation, choice and underlying processing effects D Chakravarti, R Krish, P Paul, J Srivastava ( 262 ) - 2002

6 An experimental and theoretical analysis of price-matching refund policies S Jain, J Srivastava ( 211 ) - 2000

7 When 2+ 2 is not the same as 1+ 3: Variations in price sensitivity across components of partitioned prices RW Hamilton, J Srivastava ( 209 ) 2008

8 The denomination effect P Raghubir, J Srivastava ( 188 ) - 2009

9 Price-matching guarantees as signals of low store prices: survey and experimental evidence J Srivastava, NH Lurie ( 158 ) - 2004

10 Coupling and decoupling of unfairness and anger in ultimatum bargaining J Srivastava, F Espinoza, A Fedorikhin (125 ) - 2009

Cited by:

                                  All               Since 2018
Citations               4038                      1569
h-index                      26                          20
i10-index                   29                          26

Jin Huang | Strategy Evaluation | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Jin Huang | Strategy Evaluation | Best Researcher Award🏆

Professional Profiles:

scopus Profile

ResearchGate Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:👨‍🎓

Huang Jin began his academic journey with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Science and Technology at Shaanxi University of Science and Technology from September 2004 to June 2008. He further pursued his Doctoral degree in Electronic Science and Technology at Xi'an Jiaotong University, completing it from September 2014 to December 2018.

Professional Endeavors:

Following his doctoral studies, Huang Jin took on the role of a Lecturer at the School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence at Shaanxi University of Science and Technology from December 2018 to December 2020. During this period, he actively contributed to teaching fundamental courses such as "Semiconductor Physics" for undergraduate majors in electronic science and technology. Additionally, he engaged in related professional course experiments and delivered lectures on electronics.

Since May 2019, Huang Jin has served as a Postdoctoral co-supervisor at the School of Materials and Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University, under the guidance of Liu Shengzhong. His commitment to academic and research activities continued, leading to his appointment as an Associate Professor at the School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence at Shaanxi University of Science and Technology from December 2020 onwards.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Huang Jin's research focus has been primarily in the field of perovskite solar cells, with a particular emphasis on crystallization regulation and defect suppression strategies. He has made significant contributions to the advancements in this area, as evidenced by his publications in reputable journals like "Progress in Materials Science," "Materials Today," and "Advanced Functional Materials." As the first author, he has authored over 20 papers in authoritative SCI journals, including "Journal of the American Chemical Society" and "ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces." In addition to his research work, Huang Jin has actively participated in various research projects, including hosting the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project on ion fixation in high-stability two-dimensional thin film perovskite solar cells.

Accolades and Recognition:

His dedication to academia and research is underscored by his role as a reviewer and editorial board member for journals such as "ASP Transactions on Internet of Things" and "International Journal of Aerospace Engineering." He has received recognition for his work with more than 10 authorized patents.

Impact and Influence:

His research has not only contributed to the scientific community but has also resulted in high-impact publications with notable journal impact factors. His work on perovskite solar cells, especially the development of stable and efficient structures, has the potential to shape the future of solar energy technology.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

His legacy lies in his substantial contributions to the understanding and development of perovskite solar cells. As an Associate Professor, he continues to inspire future researchers through his teachings in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. With a focus on organic optoelectronics, his ongoing and future contributions are poised to further advance the field and leave a lasting impact on the renewable energy landscape.

Notable Publications:🏅