Yangchun Li | Marketing | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yangchun Li – Marketing – Best Researcher Award

Zhejiang University of Technology | China



📍Current Position

He is a distinguished Ph.D. and Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration at the School of Management, Zhejiang University of Technology. With a focus on marketing, he has been a lecturer at the university since 2021. Yangchun Li’s academic journey is marked by a rich blend of international and interdisciplinary experiences, contributing significantly to his expertise in marketing.

📝Publication Achievements 

“Consumer inoculation and gender in combating negative product reviews,” published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. “Reducing ecommerce returns with return credits,” featured in Electronic Commerce Research. “Green Communication for More Package-Free Ecommerce Returns,” in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. A book titled “Social Media Monetization: Platforms, Strategic Models and Critical Success Factors,” co-authored with F.J. Martínez-López and S.M. Young, published by Springer International Publishing.


🔍Ongoing Research 

Currently,  he is leading several research projects. One prominent project, funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China, investigates “The Effect of Two-sided Reviews on Product Returns in Online Shopping: A Perspective of Product Perception Change.” This study, running from 2024 to 2026, focuses on understanding how product perceptions influence return behaviors in online shopping environments.

🔬Research Interests 

His research interests are diverse and include social media monetization, e-commerce return management, and the impact of digital innovations on consumer behavior. His work consistently explores the intersection of technology and marketing, seeking to provide actionable insights into contemporary marketing challenges.

🎓Academic Background 

octorate (cum laude) in Economics and Business Studies from the University of Granada, Spain (2017-2020). Master’s degree in Management Science and Engineering (Project Management) from Jilin University, China (2014-2016). Bachelor’s degree in Industry and Business Administration from Wuhan Polytechnic University, China (2008-2012).

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

Throughout his academic and professional career, he has been the recipient of various scholarships and awards, recognizing his contributions to marketing research and education. His excellence in research has been acknowledged through grants from the Natural Science Foundation of China, among other institutions.

🌐Professional Associations 

He is an active member of several professional associations, including the Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy (APMA) and the Digital Marketing and eCommerce Conference (DMeC). These memberships keep him engaged with the latest trends and developments in the field of marketing.

 📚Training & Workshops 

He has participated in numerous training sessions and workshops, enhancing his skills in digital marketing, data analytics, and consumer behavior research. These professional development opportunities have enabled him to stay at the forefront of marketing innovations.

🎤Oral Presentations 

The 2023 APMA Conference in Guangzhou, China, where he discussed deceptive advertising under lenient return policies. The 2022 DMeC Conference in Barcelona, Spain, where he presented on reducing e-commerce returns with return credits. The 2021 DMeC Conference, also in Barcelona, focusing on package-free returns in green e-commerce.

🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

As a researcher, he has completed numerous tasks, including conducting empirical studies, developing theoretical frameworks, and publishing in high-impact journals. His work often involves complex data analysis, collaborative research projects, and innovative problem-solving approaches.

🚀Success Factors 

He attributes his success to a combination of rigorous academic training, international exposure, and a passion for understanding consumer behavior. His ability to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape and his commitment to ethical research practices are key factors in his professional achievements.

🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

His extensive publication record demonstrates his expertise in marketing. His laboratory experience includes experimental research on consumer behavior, which provides valuable insights into how marketing strategies can be optimized. His work in both academic and practical settings makes him a valuable asset to the field of marketing.


Tamara Masters | Marketing Strategy  | Best Researcher Award

Prof . Tamara Masters - Marketing Strategy  - Best Researcher Award

University of Utah | United States

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

She, has established herself as a prominent figure in the realm of consumer judgment and decision-making, particularly focusing on persuasion. Her academic journey commenced with a profound interest in understanding the intricate cognitive processes underlying context effects. Delving into topics such as indulgence justification, reward-based motivation, response to inconsistency, and physiological persuasion,she embarked on a scholarly exploration that would later shape her distinguished career.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout her career, her has ventured into diverse methodologies to unravel the complexities of consumer behavior. From conducting field studies to employing biometric measures such as EEG, eye-tracking, GSR, and HR, she has utilized innovative approaches to dissect the underlying processes governing consumer choices. Additionally, her utilization of Augmented Reality and behavioral lab studies has further enriched her research endeavors, positioning her at the forefront of cutting-edge methodologies in the field.


Contributions and Research Focus in Marketing Strategy

Her contributions to the field of consumer behavior are exemplified through her prolific publication record. Her research endeavors have explored various facets of consumer decision-making, ranging from attribute ratings and privacy attitudes to the impact of brand names on product forgiveness. Through her publications, she has shed light on critical topics such as compromise effects, privacy assurances, and the influence of fun brand names, enriching scholarly discourse and advancing theoretical understanding.

Accolades and Recognition

Her scholarly contributions have garnered widespread acclaim and recognition within the academic community. Her publications in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Letters underscore her academic prowess and influence in the field. Furthermore, her research has been honored with prestigious awards, including the Best Paper Award at the HICSS conference, highlighting the significance and impact of her work on the academic landscape.

Impact and Influence

The influence of her research extends beyond academic circles, permeating into various domains such as healthcare, marketing, and consumer psychology. Her insights into consumer decision-making have implications for businesses seeking to understand and cater to consumer preferences effectively. Moreover, her interdisciplinary approach, combining psychology, economics, and marketing, has paved the way for novel insights and practical applications in real-world settings.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As she continues to chart new frontiers in consumer behavior research, her legacy as a pioneering scholar remains indelible. Her commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and her relentless pursuit of scholarly excellence serve as inspirations for aspiring researchers. With ongoing projects under review and working papers in progress,her future contributions are poised to further enrich the field of consumer judgment and decision-making, leaving an enduring impact on academia and beyond.

  • Citations        146
  •  h-index              4
  • i10-index            2

Notable Publications