jiaxi wu | Environmental management and green development | Best Researcher Award

Ms. jiaxi wu – management and green development  – Best Researcher Award

China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing | China

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Education and Training

He embarked on her academic journey with a solid foundation in finance and international business. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, where she majored in Finance and minored in International Business. This multidisciplinary approach equipped her with a robust understanding of global financial systems and business dynamics. Driven by a passion for innovation and technology, she pursued a master’s degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in E-commerce and Engineering Management. Her master’s studies deepened her understanding of the intersection between technology and business, paving the way for her future research endeavors.

 Professional Endeavors 💼

Academic Positions

His professional journey is marked by her commitment to academic excellence and her pursuit of impactful research. She is currently in the final year of her PhD at the China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, focusing on environmental management and green development. Her research interests are centered around ecological economics and enterprise innovation management. Throughout her academic career, He has demonstrated a remarkable ability to translate theoretical concepts into practical solutions for contemporary environmental challenges.


Contributions and Research Focus on management and green development📚

Research and Innovations

He has made significant contributions to the field of environmental management and green development. Her research is characterized by its interdisciplinary nature, combining elements of ecological economics and enterprise innovation management. She has authored a total of 13 papers in SCI/SSCI journals, with several publications in leading SCI TOP journals. Notably, one of her papers has been rated 3-star ABS, highlighting the quality and impact of her work. his research projects are diverse, addressing various aspects of environmental management, including sustainability practices, green technologies, and policy implications.


Accolades and Recognition 🏆

His academic excellence has been recognized through various accolades and awards. She has been awarded the second school-level scholarships at the China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, a testament to her dedication and scholarly achievements. In addition to her research publications, he serves as an anonymous reviewer for prestigious journals such as Energy Efficiency and Food Policy, further demonstrating her expertise and contributions to the academic community. Her work has garnered high citations, reflecting its significance and influence in the field.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

Community Impact

His research has had a profound impact on the field of environmental management and green development. Her work on ecological economics and enterprise innovation management has provided valuable insights into sustainable practices and their implementation in various industries. By exploring the economic and managerial aspects of environmental sustainability, he has contributed to a better understanding of how businesses can adopt green practices while maintaining economic viability. Her research has influenced policy discussions and decision-making processes, highlighting the importance of integrating environmental considerations into business strategies.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

Future Contributions

As he approaches the culmination of her PhD journey, her legacy in the field of environmental management and green development is already well-established. Her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to impactful research have set a high standard for future scholars. Looking ahead, he aims to continue her research and contribute to the development of sustainable solutions for global environmental challenges. Her future contributions are expected to further bridge the gap between academic research and practical applications, fostering a more sustainable and resilient world.


Notable Publications 

Abderrezzaq Benalia | Environmental Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Abderrezzaq Benalia | Environmental Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Higher Normal School of Constantine - Algeria

Professional Profiles:

Google Scholar Profile

Scopus Profile

Orcid Profile

Researchgate Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

Abderrezzaq Benalia embarked on his academic journey in Environmental Engineering with a rigorous focus on water treatment processes. From his initial Engineering degree examining treated water for agricultural use to a Master's thesis centered on coagulation-flocculation for drinking water treatment, his educational trajectory showcased a commitment to solving environmental challenges through innovative scientific approaches.

Professional Endeavors:

His professional path blends both practical fieldwork and academia. His served as a Representative of the environment in Yahia beni guecha, Mila, Algeria, bringing his expertise to the forefront of environmental advocacy and policy. Simultaneously, his teaching roles across various departments and institutions exemplify his commitment to nurturing future talents in Environmental Engineering.

Contributions and Research Focus:

His research footprint spans diverse areas: biomaterials, water and wastewater treatment, pollution mitigation, natural substance extraction, optimization, modeling, and electrochemistry. Notably, his Ph.D. work focused on extracting active products from natural plants for enhancing water quality, showcasing a pioneering approach to eco-friendly coagulants in water treatment.

Accolades and Recognition:

The young researcher award from Salah Boubnider University in 2016 highlights His early recognition for his contributions to the field. His leadership roles as Chairman of the teaching committee and as Head of a significant research project (PRFU) underscore his recognized expertise in academia and research management.

Impact and Influence:

His influence extends through his supervision of numerous students at various academic levels, with an impressive track record of completed projects. Additionally, his extensive publications, both released and in press, along with numerous communications, denote his commitment to disseminating knowledge and advancements in his field.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Through his multidimensional work, His laid a foundation for sustainable water treatment practices and environmental preservation. His ongoing pursuits, including a forthcoming book chapter, signify a commitment to advancing the scientific discourse in his domain. His legacy lies in nurturing future scientists and continuing to innovate for a greener future.


Citations              135

h-index                5

i10-index             4

Notable Publications:

1 Use of acorn leaves as a natural coagulant in a drinking water treatment plant A Benalia, K Derbal, A Panico, F Pirozzi Water 11 (1), 57 (46)-2018

2 Optimization of active coagulant agent extraction method from Moringa Oleifera seeds for municipal wastewater treatment R Bouchareb, K Derbal, A Benalia Water Science and Technology 84 (2), 393-403 (27)-2021

3 Use of Aloe vera as an Organic Coagulant for Improving Drinking Water Quality A Benalia, K Derbal, A Khalfaoui, R Bouchareb, A Panico, C Gisonni, ... water 13 (15), 1-15 (25)-2021

4 The use of as natural coagulant in algerian drinking water treatment plant A Benalia, K Derbal, A Khalfaoui, A Pizzi, G Medjahdi Journal of Renewable Materials 10 (3), 625 (14)-2022

5 Etude Expérimentale et Modélisation Du Processus de La Coagulation Floculation: Application Aux Eaux Destinée à La Consommation A Benalia, K Derbal Université Constantine 3 (7)-2015

6 The Adsorptive Removal of Bengal Rose by Artichoke Leaves: Optimization by Full Factorials Design A Khalfaoui, MN Khelifi, A Khelfaoui, A Benalia, K Derbal, C Gisonni, ... Water 14 (14), 2251 (5)-2022

7 Comparative Study between Aluminum Sulfate and Ferric Chloride in Water Treatment: Turbidity Removal A Benalia, K Derbal J. Dr 1, 4-9 (5)- 2015 (5) -2015

8 Use of Extracted Proteins from Oak Leaves as Bio-Coagulant for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Optimization by a Fractional Factorial Design A Benalia, W Chaibraa, S Djeghar, K Derbal, A Khalfaoui, A Mahfouf, ... Water 15 (11), 1984 (3)-2023

9 Extraction And Purification of The Active Substance Contained In The Aloe Vera For Their Use As a Natural Flocculant R Djema, F Rahma, A Benalia, A Khalfaoui, A Pizzi All Sciences Abstracts 1 (1), 14-14 (1)-2023

10 Extraction et valorisation des produits actifs des plantes naturelles en tant que bio coagulants utiles dans l’amélioration de qualité des eaux A Benalia, K Derbal Université Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider, Faculté de génie des procédés …(1)-2023