Jeffrey Siekpe-Sambo | IS & Marketing Strategy | Best Researcher Award

Prof . Jeffrey Siekpe-Sambo - IS & Marketing Strategy - Best Researcher Award

 Tennessee State University | United States

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

He also known as Jeffrey Sam Siekpe, has a rich academic background spanning multiple disciplines. Beginning with his foundational education in Chemistry at the University of Science and Technology in Ghana, His  academic journey evolved through advanced studies in Business Administration and Management Information Systems (MIS) at the University of Texas. His academic journey reflects a diverse and interdisciplinary approach, culminating in a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a specialization in International Business and MIS.

Professional Endeavors

His professional career has been characterized by a blend of academic leadership, research excellence, and practical experience. He has held various academic positions at Tennessee State University, progressing from an Assistant Professor to his current role as a distinguished Professor in the Department of Business Information Systems. Notably, he has contributed significantly to the development of innovative programs such as the Masters in Business Data Analytics and the establishment of the Dell Center for Leadership & Data Analytics at TSU..


Contributions and Research Focus in IS & Marketing Strategy

As a prolific researcher, His contributions extend across a wide array of topics within the realm of Business Information Systems and Management. His research endeavors have explored themes such as predictive analytics, machine learning, blockchain technology, and the application of big data in decision-making processes. Through his scholarly work, His has sought to advance knowledge in these areas and address contemporary challenges faced by businesses and organizations in an increasingly digitized world.

Accolades and Recognition

His scholarly achievements have earned him prestigious accolades and recognition within the academic community. Noteworthy among these is the John A. Howard AMA TechSIG Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation, a testament to the quality and impact of his research contributions. Additionally, his involvement in various professional organizations and editorial roles underscores his commitment to advancing scholarship and fostering academic excellence.

Impact and Influence

His influence extends beyond the confines of academia, as evidenced by his active engagement in service to the profession and broader community. His leadership roles within academic departments, university committees, and professional organizations demonstrate his dedication to fostering collaboration, mentorship, and the advancement of knowledge both within and outside academia.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As he continues to make significant strides in his academic and professional journey, his legacy is characterized by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and social responsibility. Through his research, teaching, and service, he has left an indelible mark on the field of Business Information Systems and has inspired future generations of scholars and practitioners to push the boundaries of knowledge and create positive change in the world.

Notable Publications

Paolo Massimo Buscema | Application of ANNs to specific domain | Excellence in Research

Prof . Paolo Massimo Buscema - Application of ANNs to specific domain - Excellence in Research

Semeion - University of Colorado | Italy

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

He began his academic journey with a zeal for learning, earning his Doctorate in Letters with distinction from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1978. His insatiable curiosity and passion for knowledge laid the foundation for a remarkable career in scientific research and academia.

Professional Endeavors

His professional journey is characterized by a blend of executive leadership, scientific research, and academic excellence. Since 1985, he has served as the Founder, President, and Scientific Director of the SEMEION Research Center, a renowned scientific organization recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research. His role as a Professor and Computer Scientist has seen him contribute significantly to the fields of Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Artificial Systems. Additionally, he holds the position of Full Professor Adjoint at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Colorado at Denver, since 2011.


Contributions and Research Focus in Application of ANNs to specific domain

His contributions to scientific research are extensive and profound. He has designed and developed innovative mathematical models and algorithms for Artificial Intelligence, resulting in over 200 scientific publications and numerous books. His research focus on theoretical aspects of Natural Computation has paved the way for groundbreaking advancements in the field. As the inventor of 18 patent ideas, his work has led to 28 international patents, underscoring his commitment to innovation and intellectual property.

Accolades and Recognition

His  exemplary contributions have earned him widespread recognition and acclaim. He has been appointed to the Editorial Boards of several international scientific journals and serves as a reviewer for journals publishing articles on Artificial Intelligence across various disciplines. His scientific prowess and leadership have been acknowledged through numerous awards, honors, and appointments, reflecting his status as a leading authority in his field.

Impact and Influence

His impact extends far beyond academia, with his research findings and innovations influencing diverse sectors, including computer science, mathematics, engineering, medicine, and archaeology. His involvement in scientific projects with governmental and international organizations underscores the practical applications of his research in real-world contexts, contributing to advancements in cybersecurity, defense, and environmental safety.

Legacy and Future Contributions

His legacy is defined by his relentless pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and excellence. As he continues to inspire future generations of researchers and scientists, his vision for the future includes furthering the frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, mentoring emerging talents, and fostering international collaborations. His unwavering commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and solving complex challenges positions him as a stalwart figure in the global scientific community, leaving an indelible mark on the world of academia and beyond.



Citations      6575

h-index          41

i10-index       147

Notable Publications

Rym Ammar | Quantitative methods | Best Researcher Award 

Dr . Rym Ammar - Quantitative methods - Best Researcher Award 

Esprit School of Business | Tunisia

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

She embarked on her academic journey with a zeal for knowledge and a passion for making a difference. In 2008, she earned her Master 2 Research degree from the prestigious Toulouse School of Economics, specializing in Financial Markets and Intermediaries. This laid the foundation for her future endeavors in academia and research. Building upon this, she pursued her Ph.D. in Management at the Ph.D. School of Economic and Management Sciences at ISG of Sousse/University of Sousse, culminating in 2017. Her doctoral thesis, titled "On the Sustainability of Islamic Banks: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis," showcased her commitment to addressing pressing issues in the field.

Professional Endeavors

With a solid educational background, she transitioned into the realm of teaching and research, where she could channel her expertise to nurture future talents and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Since 2022, she has served as an Assistant Professor at the Esprit School of Business (ESB), where she imparts her knowledge in various domains such as Statistics, Data Analysis, and Marketing. Prior to this, she held teaching positions at Tunis Business School (TBS) and l’Université Libre de Tunis (ULT), where she left an indelible mark through her dedication and pedagogical prowess.


Contributions and Research Focus in Quantitative methods

Her research interests span across diverse areas including Islamic Banking, Financial Markets, and Data Analysis. Her groundbreaking work on the sustainability of Islamic banks has garnered widespread attention and acclaim. Through her publications and scholarly contributions, she has significantly enriched the academic discourse in these domains. Moreover, her involvement in organizing conferences and serving on scientific committees underscores her commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the academic community.

Accolades and Recognition

Her exemplary contributions have been duly recognized through various accolades and honors. Her publications in esteemed journals such as the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management bear testimony to her scholarly impact. Furthermore, her active involvement as a reviewer for reputed journals reflects the trust and respect she commands within the academic fraternity.

Impact and Influence

Her influence extends beyond the confines of academia. As a mentor and supervisor, she has played a pivotal role in guiding and shaping the research endeavors of aspiring scholars. Her supervision of integrated projects and final year projects has not only honed the skills of students but has also led to valuable contributions in the field. By nurturing the next generation of researchers, she is perpetuating a legacy of academic excellence and inquiry.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking ahead she envisions a future where she continues to push the boundaries of knowledge and inspire others through her research and teaching. Her unwavering commitment to academic rigor and innovation sets the stage for a legacy that will endure for generations to come. As she continues on her academic journey, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of excellence and her dedication to making a meaningful impact in the world of academia and beyond.



Citations     22
h-index         3
i10-index      0
Notable Publications

Arman Kheirati Roonizi | signal processing | Best Researcher Award 

Assoc Prof Dr . Arman Kheirati Roonizi - signal processing - Best Researcher Award 

University of Milan | Italy

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

He embarked on his academic journey with a keen interest in computer science and engineering. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (Hardware) from Shiraz University, Iran, laying the foundation for his future endeavors. Building upon this, he pursued a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (Bioelectric) from the same institution, delving into the intricacies of bio-electrical engineering. His thesis titled "Morphological Modeling of Cardiac Signals" reflected his early fascination with signal processing, particularly its applications in the biomedical field.

Professional Endeavors

After completing his master's, His continued to delve deeper into the realm of signal processing. He pursued a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Milan, Italy, specializing in adaptive modes-based cardiac signal analysis and feature extraction. This marked the beginning of his profound contributions to statistical signal processing, especially in the domain of biomedical signals. Following his doctoral studies, he embarked on a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Gipsa-Lab, CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes, France, where he explored the effect of unknown delays in multimodal recordings.


Contributions and Research Focus in signal processing

His research primarily revolves around statistical signal processing, with a specialized emphasis on its applications in biomedical signals. His expertise spans various areas, including cardiac modeling and simulation, applied machine learning, and explainable AI within the biomedical domain. Noteworthy contributions include his work on Kalman filtering, sparse optimization algorithms, and the development of deep learning architectures for ECG classification. His research has been pivotal in advancing our understanding of signal processing techniques and their implications in healthcare.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic and professional journey, He has garnered significant recognition for his groundbreaking contributions to signal processing. He has authored numerous papers in international scientific journals and conferences, showcasing his expertise and innovative approaches in the field. His work on digital IIR filters, Kalman filtering, and signal decomposition has been widely acclaimed for its theoretical rigor and practical relevance. Moreover, he has received several awards and honors, including the Best Researcher Award, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field.

Impact and Influence

His research has had a profound impact on the field of signal processing, particularly in the biomedical domain. His pioneering work has not only advanced the theoretical foundations of statistical signal processing but has also paved the way for innovative applications in healthcare and medical diagnostics. By developing novel algorithms and methodologies, he has contributed to improving the accuracy and efficiency of signal analysis techniques, thereby enhancing our ability to extract valuable insights from biomedical data.

Legacy and Future Contributions

He continues to make strides in the field of signal processing, his legacy grows stronger with each contribution. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge inspire future generations of researchers to explore new frontiers in signal processing and its applications. With a steadfast focus on innovation and collaboration, he seeks to further his research endeavors and drive positive change in the realm of biomedical engineering and beyond.


Citations     320
h-index         11
i10-index      11
Notable Publications