Mashael Khayyat  | Applied Information Systems | Excellence in Research

Assoc Prof Dr . Mashael Khayyat  - Applied Information Systems - Excellence in Research

University of Jeddah | Saudi Arabia

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

She embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in computer science, starting with her Bachelor's degree from King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Her thirst for knowledge led her to pursue a Master's in Applied Information Systems from the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport in Alexandria, Egypt. Building upon this, she further honed her skills by completing another Master's degree in Technology Management from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Notably, she culminated her academic pursuits with a Doctorate in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, in July 2017.

Professional Endeavors

Her professional journey has been marked by significant achievements and leadership roles. Currently serving as an Associate Professor at the College of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Jeddah, she plays a pivotal role in shaping the minds of future technologists. Additionally, since July 2023, she has been contributing her expertise as a Consultant in the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research at the same university, where she actively engages in fostering research initiatives and academic development.


Contributions and Research Focus in Applied Information Systems

With a keen interest in advancing the field of computer science, she has contributed extensively to research and innovation. Her research focus spans a wide array of topics, including but not limited to artificial intelligence, data analytics, and cybersecurity. Through her publications and presentations, she has made significant contributions to the academic community, enriching the knowledge base in her field.

Accolades and Recognition

Her dedication and contributions have not gone unnoticed, garnering her recognition both nationally and internationally. She has been acknowledged for her scholarly achievements and impactful research endeavors. Her publications have been well-received in academic circles, earning her accolades for their quality and relevance.

Impact and Influence

Her work has had a tangible impact on the academic landscape, inspiring fellow researchers and students alike. Her ability to communicate complex ideas effectively, both in written and verbal forms, has facilitated collaboration and knowledge exchange within research teams. As a member of the Dome of Innovation in Jordan and a reviewer for various journals, she actively contributes to fostering innovation and academic excellence on a global scale.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking ahead, her legacy is poised to endure through her ongoing commitment to academic excellence and innovation. Her leadership roles and contributions to research will continue to shape the future of computer science, inspiring generations of students and researchers to push the boundaries of knowledge. With her exemplary skills and dedication, she remains a beacon of inspiration for aspiring academics and professionals in Saudi Arabia and beyond.


Citations   845

h-index       16

i10-index   23

Notable Publications

Feng Wang | Intelligent Manufacturing | Industry Innovator Award

Prof Dr. Feng Wang - Intelligent Manufacturing - Industry Innovator Award

Hainan Normal University/School of Economics and Management | China

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

He embarked on his academic journey with a fervent passion for digital technology and intelligent systems. Armed with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, he earned the prestigious title of Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. His academic prowess extends beyond traditional boundaries, encompassing areas such as blockchain, big data, digital intelligence, and enterprise informatization. As a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP/MCSD) and a Member of IFIP TC8 WG 8.9, he is at the forefront of cutting-edge research in ERP and Industry 4.0 consultancy.

Professional Endeavors

His professional endeavors are marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation. As the Deputy Director of the Big Data Management Research Center at Jilin University, he has spearheaded numerous groundbreaking initiatives in intelligent manufacturing and digital transformation. His collaborative efforts with leading enterprises such as Tsinghua Tongfang Software Base, Volkswagen GEDAS, and FAW-Volkswagen have yielded remarkable results, solidifying his reputation as an industry expert.


Contributions and Research Focus in Intelligent Manufacturing

His contributions to the field are manifold and profound. His research spans a wide spectrum of topics, including smart accounting, finance, digital business, and public security management. He has delved into the intricate mechanisms of industrial big data management and proposed innovative concepts such as the Intelligent Manufacturing 4.0 value chain and digital enterprise management simulations. His pioneering work has laid the foundation for the digital transformation of enterprises and the integration of industrial digital platforms.

Accolades and Recognition

His contributions have not gone unnoticed, garnering widespread accolades and recognition from peers and industry leaders alike. His research on industrial big data and intelligent manufacturing has been acknowledged for its transformative impact on the industry. He has received accolades for his innovative research methodologies and groundbreaking insights into digital technology-enabled management systems.

Impact and Influence

His influence extends far beyond academia, shaping the future of digital technology and intelligent systems. His research has inspired a new generation of scholars and practitioners to explore the potential of digital transformation in various sectors. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, he has catalyzed advancements in industrial informatization and digitalization, driving economic growth and societal progress.

Legacy and Future Contributions

His legacy is one of relentless innovation and visionary leadership. He envisions a future where digital technology empowers enterprises, governments, and societies to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and prosperity. Moving forward, he remains committed to interdisciplinary research and collaboration, seeking to engage with international experts, entrepreneurs, scholars, and administrative personnel to chart the course for a digitally transformed world. With his unwavering dedication and pioneering spirit, He continues to shape the landscape of digital technology and intelligent systems, leaving an indelible mark on academia and industry alike.

Notable Publications

Yanyan CHEN | sharing economy | Best Researcher Award 

Dr .Yanyan CHEN - sharing economy - Best Researcher Award 

TBS Business School | France

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

Her academic journey began with a strong foundation in English studies at Zhejiang Wanli University, where she graduated as an "Outstanding Graduate." Her thirst for knowledge led her to pursue higher education, culminating in a Master's degree in International Business from Nottingham University Business School China. Her dissertation explored the moderating role of need for cognition in advertising skepticism. This laid the groundwork for her doctoral research at the same institution, delving into the intricate dynamics of shame and status consumption within the Chinese context.

Professional Endeavors

Transitioning from a Teaching Assistant at the University of Nottingham, China, to a Lecturer at Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, she honed her pedagogical skills while continuing her research pursuits. Her journey took her to Toulouse Business School, France, where she held positions as Assistant and Associate Professor in Marketing and International Business, further enriching her academic profile.


Contributions and Research Focus in sharing economy 

Her research is characterized by a keen interest in consumer behavior, particularly in areas such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), loyalty programs, and emotional appeals. She explores the nexus between traditional Chinese philosophy, cultural theories, and individual self-identities to unravel complex consumer dynamics. Her recent endeavors delve into the realms of social and environmental values, with a focus on fair trade, animal welfare, and customer engagement.

Accolades and Recognition

Her contributions to academia have garnered widespread recognition, evidenced by her publications in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Cleaner Production. She has also presented her research at prestigious conferences worldwide, including the European Marketing Association Conference and the Global Marketing Conference. Her work has been lauded for its innovative approach and theoretical contributions.

Impact and Influence

Her research has had a significant impact on the field of marketing, shaping discourse and influencing scholarly discussions. Her investigations into the role of shame and guilt in consumption behavior, as well as her studies on CSR perceptions and loyalty program efficacy, have advanced our understanding of consumer psychology. By bridging theoretical frameworks with empirical evidence, she has paved the way for further exploration in these domains.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As an Associate Professor at Toulouse Business School, She continues to inspire the next generation of scholars through her teaching and mentorship. Her legacy lies in her interdisciplinary approach to marketing research, which transcends geographical boundaries and cultural contexts. Moving forward, she aims to delve deeper into emerging areas such as sustainability marketing and consumer engagement, leaving an indelible mark on the academic landscape.

Her  journey exemplifies a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to scholarly excellence. With her expertise, passion, and unwavering dedication, she continues to shape the discourse in marketing academia, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.



Citations     273
h-index         4
i10-index      3
Notable Publications

Marc Fetscherin | Medical Tourism | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr . Marc Fetscherin - Medical Tourism - Best Researcher Award

Rollins College | United States

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

His currently holding the distinguished Gelbman Family Chair of International Business and serving as a Professor of Marketing at Rollins College, embarked on his academic journey with a steadfast commitment to scholarly excellence. His educational background is marked by rigorous training and diverse experiences across renowned institutions worldwide. With a Ph.D. in International Business from the University of Bern, Switzerland, He augmented his academic credentials through post-doctoral fellowships at Harvard University and research visits at the University of California, Berkeley, reflecting his early dedication to interdisciplinary learning and research collaboration.

Professional Endeavors

His professional trajectory underscores a blend of academic rigor and real-world impact. His extensive work experience spans across esteemed academic institutions globally, including Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, University of Geneva, and University of Lausanne. Notably, his tenure as a Fellow at Harvard University's Asia Programs and contributions as a Visiting Professor at institutions like East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai solidified his standing as a leading authority in international business and marketing.

Furthermore, his entrepreneurial acumen shines through his role as the Chief Executive Officer of Bonfort SA, where he leveraged his academic insights to drive organizational success and innovation.

Contributions and Research Focus in Medical Tourism

At the heart of his academic journey lies a fervent dedication to impactful research and scholarship. His research focus spans a wide array of topics within marketing, ranging from brand relationships and consumer behavior to international business dynamics. His prolific publication record showcases his seminal contributions to the academic community, with numerous articles published in top-tier journals such as the Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Brand Management, and Journal of Business Research. His groundbreaking work on brand relationships and consumer-brand interactions has garnered widespread acclaim and significantly advanced the theoretical foundations of marketing scholarship.

Accolades and Recognition

His outstanding contributions to the field have been duly recognized through a myriad of prestigious awards and honors. His inclusion in Stanford University's top global scientists ranking and the AD Scientific Index attests to his scholarly eminence and impact on the international stage. Moreover, accolades such as the Axiom Book Award for his publication "Brand Relationship Playbook" and the Excellence in Medical Tourism Research Award underscore his multidimensional contributions to academia and industry.

Impact and Influence

His influence extends beyond academia, as evidenced by his leadership roles in professional associations and executive positions. As the co-creator of the Medical Tourism Index and Vice President of the Consumer Brand Relationships Association, he has played a pivotal role in shaping industry standards and fostering collaboration between academia and practice. Additionally, his engagements with esteemed organizations like McKinsey & Company and the Swiss Federal Commission of Consumer Affairs underscore his commitment to bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking ahead his legacy as a pioneering scholar and visionary leader in international business and marketing is poised to endure. His relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with a passion for innovation, ensures that his contributions will continue to shape the future of academia and industry alike. Through mentorship, research mentorship, and continued advocacy for interdisciplinary collaboration, his remains dedicated to inspiring the next generation of scholars and driving positive change in the global business landscape.

  • Citations            6730
  •  h-index              37
  • i10-index            68

Notable Publications

Michel Hamon | Neuropharmacological research | Lifetime achievement Award

Michel Hamon - Neuropharmacological research - Lifetime achievement Award

Professional Profiles:

scopus Profile

orcid Profile

researchgate Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

His academic journey began at the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), where he was a student from 1966 to 1970. He earned his Maîtrise de Biologie Animale from the University of Paris in 1968, followed by a DEA de Biochimie in 1969 and an Agrégation de Physiologie-Biochimie in 1970. His academic pursuits culminated in a Thèse (PhD) de Doctorat es Sciences in the specialty of Neurosciences from the University of Paris VII in 1974.

Professional Endeavors:

His professional career at INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) spans several decades, showcasing a progression from Research Assistant to Director of Research - Top class. His roles include significant periods as Director of Research at Unit 288 (Faculty of Medicine Pitié-Salpêtrière) and later as Professor of Neuropharmacology at the University Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC). He continued his academic engagement as an Emeritus Professor at UPMC. His has also displayed leadership in laboratory management, founding and directing both INSERM Unit 288 and UMR 677 INSERM/UPMC, focusing on Molecular, Cellular, and Functional Neurobiology, as well as Neuropsychopharmacology.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Throughout his career, He has contributed significantly to preclinical research, with expertise in molecular neurobiology, cellular neurobiology, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, and neuropsychopharmacology. His research extended to behavioral studies using animal models, particularly rats and mice. His leadership in the field is evident through the establishment and direction of various research units, emphasizing the molecular and functional aspects of neurobiology. Notably, his work included the exploration of pain, stress, and neurovegetative adaptations.

Accolades and Recognition:

He has received numerous prizes and honors, including the Prize of Lacassagne Foundation, the Sterling Prize from the University of Pennsylvania, and the Paul Ehrlich Prize from the French Society of Medicinal Chemistry. He is recognized as an Associate Member of the National Academy of Medicine and the National Academy of Pharmacy. His contributions were further acknowledged with the ECNP Neuropsychopharmacoly Award in 2017, underlining his impact on the field.

Impact and Influence:

With an extensive publication record, including over 600 original papers and 250 review articles, His has established himself as one of the most frequently cited French scientists. His work has significantly impacted the scientific community, earning him a place among "Highly cited researchers." His leadership roles in scientific societies, editorial boards, and various committees reflect his influence on the broader scientific landscape.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

His legacy is characterized by his leadership, prolific research output, and impact on the field of neurobiology and neuropsychopharmacology. As an educator, he has shaped the next generation of scientists through teaching and mentoring.

Notable Publications:

1 Experimental neuropsychopharmacology, yesterday, today and tomorrow. A conversation with Michel Hamon Hamon, M.Zimmer, L. TherapiesThis link is disabled., 2021, 76(2), pp. 63–66 

2 Key role of the 5-HT1A receptor addressing protein Yif1B in serotonin neurotransmission and SSRI treatment Martin, V.Mathieu, L.Diaz, J., ...Stockmeier, C.A.Masson, J. Journal of Psychiatry and NeuroscienceThis link is disabled., 2020, 45(5), pp. 344–355

3 Pharmaco-fUS for Characterizing Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease – The Case of THN201, a Drug Combination of Donepezil Plus Mefloquine Vidal, B.Droguerre, M.Valdebenito, M., ...Mouthon, F.Charvériat, M. Frontiers in NeuroscienceThis link is disabled., 2020, (14) , 835

4 Efficacy of THN201, a Combination of Donepezil and Mefloquine, to Reverse Neurocognitive Deficits in Alzheimer’s DiseaseDroguerre, M.Duchêne, A.Picoli, C., ...Mouthon, F.Charvériat, M. Frontiers in NeuroscienceThis link is disabled., 2020, (14) , 563

5 A New Tool for In Vivo Study of Astrocyte Connexin 43 in BrainDroguerre, M.Tsurugizawa, T.Duchêne, A., ...Ciobanu, L.Charvériat, M. Scientific ReportsThis link is disabled., 2019,  (12), 18292

6 A new painkiller nanomedicine to bypass the blood-brain barrier and the use of morphineFeng, J.Lepetre-Mouelhi, S.Gautier, A., ...Hamon, M.Couvreur, P. Science Advances, 2019, (56), eaau5148

7 The GABAergic Gudden's dorsal tegmental nucleus: A new relay for serotonergic regulation of sleep-wake behavior in the mouseChazalon, M.Dumas, S.Bernard, J.-F., ...Fabre, V.Bonnavion, P. NeuropharmacologyThis link is disabled., 2018, (5) 138, pp. 315–330

8 α2- and β2-adrenoreceptor-mediated efficacy of the atypical antidepressant agomelatine combined with gabapentin to suppress allodynia in neuropathic rats with ligated infraorbital or sciatic nerveM'Dahoma, S.Poitevin, M.Dabala, E., ...Bourgoin, S.Hamon, M. Frontiers in PharmacologyThis link is disabled., 2018, (6) 9(JUN), 587

9 Differential innervation of superficial versus deep laminae of the dorsal horn by bulbo-spinal serotonergic pathways in the ratGautier, A.Geny, D.Bourgoin, S.Bernard, J.F.Hamon, M. IBRO Reports, 2017, (10), pp. 72–80

10  Yin and yang in serotonin: Its Janus roles in pain control mechanisms | Le yin et le yang de la sérotonine : un Janus dans les contrôles de la douleurBourgoin, S.Gautier, A.Hamon, M. Douleur et AnalgesieThis link is disabled., 2017, 30 (1), pp. 35–56