Prof. Tao Chen – artificial intelligence (AI) – Best Researcher Award

fudan university  | China


📍Current Position

Chen Tao (Ph.D.) is a prominent researcher and doctoral supervisor at Fudan University, serving as the Assistant to the Dean of the School of Information. As a key figure in the field, he holds the titles of National Youth Thousands and Shanghai Thousands.

📝Publication Achievements 

Chen Tao has made significant contributions to his field, with over 130 academic papers published in top international journals and conferences, including IEEE TPAMI, TIP, IJCV, CVPR, and NeurIPS. Among these, he boasts 3 ESI highly cited papers and holds more than 20 Chinese patents and international PCT patents. His research has been instrumental in advancing energy-efficient deep learning, large model compression, multimedia information processing, and compact machine vision.


🔍Ongoing Research 

Chen Tao’s ongoing research focuses on energy-efficient deep learning and large model compression. His work is aimed at developing lightweight deep learning models that are both software and hardware efficient. Additionally, he explores multimedia information processing and compact machine vision, with a long-term focus on lightweight deep learning theory and software-hardware collaboration.

🔬Research Interests 

Energy-efficient deep learning. Large model compression. Multimedia information processing. Compact machine vision .Light weight deep learning theory. Software and hardware collaboration

🎓Academic Background 

Ph.D. in Image Information Processing from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (August 2008 – August 2012).Master’s in Circuits and Systems from Zhejiang University (September 2006 – July 2008).Bachelor’s in Electronic Information Engineering from Shandong University (September 2002 – June 2006).

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

First Prize in the 2023 Fudan University Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition Top Ten Graduate Counselors of Fudan University in 2023. 2023 ICCV International 3D Scene Understanding Challenge Global Champion. Third place in the 2022 ECCV Unmanned Driving Anomaly Challenge. 2021 Fudan University School of Information Dean’s Award.
2021 Global Education Innovation Alliance Outstanding Youth Nomination Award. 2020 Shanghai “Thousand Talents Plan” Innovation Long-term Project Winner. Multiple awards from the Singapore Institute of Information and Communications Technology (I2R).

🌐Professional Associations 

He is actively involved in various professional associations, serving as a director of the Shanghai Image and Graphics Society and a youth member of the China Image and Graphics Society. He is also a member of the Working Committee and Senior Area Chair of the Vision and Learning Symposium.

 📚Training & Workshops 

He has conducted and participated in numerous training sessions and workshops, focusing on advanced topics in deep learning, artificial intelligence, and multimedia processing.

🎤Oral Presentations 

He has delivered several high-impact oral presentations at international conferences and academic events, showcasing his research findings and innovations.

🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

Leading national and international research projects. Developing innovative deep learning models. Securing patents and contributing to industry standards. Mentoring doctoral students and junior researchers..

🚀Success Factors 

He attributes his success to his dedication to research, continuous learning, and collaboration with other experts in his field. His ability to secure funding and deliver impactful results has been key to his professional growth.

🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

His extensive publication record and hands-on laboratory experience highlight his expertise and contributions to the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. His work has been implemented in enterprise terminal products from major companies like Huawei, ZTE, and Xiaomi.


Tao Chen | artificial intelligence (AI) | Best Researcher Award

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