Li Cheng | International Business Strategy | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Li Cheng – International Business Strategy – Best Researcher Award

Sun Yat-sen University | China


📍Current Position

Her currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the Business School of Sun Yat-sen University, located at Nov 66, Gongchang Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. As a key member of the faculty, she contributes to the institution’s academic excellence and research prowess. Her primary research areas include International Business Management, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Management.

📝Publication Achievements 

Double-Edged Sword of Global Demand Heterogeneity: How Service Multinationals Capture the Benefits and Mitigate the Costs of Managing Customer Knowledge (2023). Journal of Business Research, under press.“Outside In”: Global Demand Heterogeneity and Dynamic Capabilities of Multinational Enterprises (2022). Journal of International Business Studies, 53(4), 709-722.The Orientation and Path of Value Chain Reconstruction of Traditional Industry under “Internet Plus” (2021). Jianghai Academic Journal, 6: 95-100.Review and Prospects of Foreign Literature on Spin-off (2019). Foreign Economies and Management, 41(8): 140-152.Intellectual Structure and Development Trends of Foreign Literatures on Spin-off: Based on the Analysis of Mapping Knowledge Domains (2019). Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 36(17): 151-160.

🔍Ongoing Research 

Her ongoing research continues to delve into the nuances of international business management and corporate entrepreneurship. She is particularly focused on understanding the dynamics of global demand heterogeneity and how multinational enterprises can leverage this knowledge for innovation and growth.

🔬Research Interests 

Her research interests are broad and impactful, encompassing: International Business Management. Corporate Entrepreneurship. Innovation Management

🎓Academic Background 

Doctorate in Management from Nanjing University (2017.09-2021.06) .Master’s in Management from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (2014.09-2017.09).Bachelor’s in Labor Relations from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (2010.09-2014.09)

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

Her academic and research excellence have been recognized through numerous awards: The Best Undergraduate Paper, Nanjing University (2021).Excellent Graduates, Nanjing University (2021).Excellent Reviewers of Nanjing Business Review (2020).National Scholarship, Nanjing University (2020)

🌐Professional Associations 

She is an active member of several professional associations related to business management and innovation, contributing to the academic community through collaboration and knowledge sharing.

 📚Training & Workshops 

She has participated in various training programs and workshops to stay updated with the latest trends and methodologies in her field, enhancing her research and teaching capabilities.

🎤Oral Presentations 

She has delivered numerous presentations at national and international conferences, showcasing her research findings and contributing to the global discourse on business management and innovation.

🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

As a researcher, she has successfully completed numerous tasks, including conducting in-depth studies, publishing research papers, and leading academic projects. Her work has provided valuable insights into the management practices of multinational enterprises and their strategic responses to global market demands.

🚀Success Factors 

she attributes her success to a combination of rigorous academic training, a passion for research, and a commitment to excellence. Her ability to synthesize complex information and present it in an accessible manner has earned her recognition in the academic community.

🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

Her extensive publication record and hands-on experience in research laboratories underscore her proficiency in conducting high-quality research. Li Cheng’s work not only advances theoretical knowledge but also offers practical implications for business management.


Augustine Gyan| Policy Implementation and strategies | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Augustine Gyan – Policy Implementation and strategies – Best Researcher Award

University of Bayreuth | Germany

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Education and Training

His academic journey began with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sociology with Information Studies from the University of Ghana, where he laid the foundation for his future studies in social sciences. He pursued his passion for understanding global development theories and practices at the University of Bergen, Norway, completing both an MPhil in Global Development Theories and Practice, and an MPhil in Anthropology of Development.

 Professional Endeavors 💼

Academic Positions

Currently a Ph.D. candidate in Social Anthropology at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, he serves as a Junior Fellow, contributing actively to academic discourse in African studies. His role as Editor of BIGSASWorks! underscores his commitment to scholarly publication and dissemination.

Teaching Experience 

Drawing from his academic background and practical insights, he has contributed to education as a Tutor in Social Studies at Obiri Yeboah Senior High School. This experience has enriched his perspective on social issues and education in Ghana.

Contributions and Research Focus on  Policy Implementation and strategies📚

Research and Publications

His research focuses on critical issues affecting African societies, with particular emphasis on mining impacts, urbanization, and governance challenges. His publications in reputable journals such as the Extractive Industries and Society Journal highlight his scholarly contributions to understanding governance and socio-environmental dynamics in Ghana’s gold mining sector.

Conference Engagements

He actively participates in international conferences and workshops, presenting research findings on topics ranging from digital land governance to the social impact of mining in Africa. These engagements reflect his dedication to exploring alternative perspectives and solutions to complex societal issues.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Awards and Honors

He has been recognized with prestigious awards and scholarships, including the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship and the Norwegian Quota Scholarship. These accolades underscore his academic excellence and commitment to advancing knowledge in African studies.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

Community Impact Through his research and academic pursuits, he aims to influence policy and societal change, particularly in the realm of sustainable development and social justice in Africa. His work contributes to broader discussions on governance, resource management, and community empowerment.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

Future Contributions Looking ahead,  he seeks to expand his research portfolio, exploring new dimensions of social anthropology and development studies. His goal is to continue advocating for marginalized communities and promoting sustainable development practices across Africa.

In summary, his academic journey and professional endeavors exemplify a deep commitment to scholarly excellence and societal impact. Through his research, publications, and active engagement in academic forums, he continues to shape discourse on critical issues facing African societies, leaving a lasting legacy in the field of social anthropology and development studies.

Corporate Strategy Visionary Award

Introduction: Welcome to the pinnacle of corporate excellence – the 'Corporate Strategy Visionary Award.' This prestigious accolade recognizes leaders who chart new territories, redefine industry standards, and embody the essence of strategic innovation. Join us in celebrating those whose visionary approaches drive lasting corporate success.

Award Eligibility: Open to corporate leaders across industries, the 'Corporate Strategy Visionary Award' is designed for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional strategic acumen and foresight. There are no age limits, ensuring equal opportunity for seasoned professionals and emerging leaders.

Qualification and Publications: Nominees should possess a proven track record of transformative corporate strategy. A strong foundation of published work showcasing innovative approaches and strategic thinking is highly encouraged.

Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation process will focus on the nominee's ability to navigate complex challenges, implement forward-looking strategies, and achieve sustained success. Originality, impact, and adaptability will be key considerations.

Submission Guidelines: Nomination submissions must include a comprehensive biography, abstract outlining strategic achievements, and supporting files that illuminate the nominee's strategic initiatives. Detailed guidelines for submission can be found on our official website.

Recognition and Community Impact: The 'Corporate Strategy Visionary Award' not only recognizes individual achievements but also highlights the broader impact on the corporate community. Winners will be acknowledged for their role in shaping the future of corporate strategy.

Biography: Nominees are encouraged to provide a detailed biography showcasing their professional journey, key milestones, and the evolution of their strategic mindset.

Abstract and Supporting Files: The abstract should succinctly capture the nominee's most significant strategic contributions. Supporting files, such as case studies, presentations, or reports, should provide tangible evidence of the nominee's visionary impact.