Most cited Paper Award

Introduction: Dive into the realm of academic influence with the 'Most Cited Paper Award.' This prestigious recognition celebrates scholarly contributions that have left a lasting impact, shaping the discourse and advancing knowledge within a given field.

Award Eligibility: The 'Most Cited Paper Award' is open to researchers and scholars whose published papers have demonstrated exceptional citation rates. There are no age limits, ensuring recognition for both seasoned academics and emerging voices in the scholarly community.

Qualification and Publications: Nominees must have authored papers that stand out in terms of impact and influence, as reflected in citation metrics. While formal qualifications are not mandatory, a notable record of high-impact publications is crucial for consideration.

Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation process centers on the paper's citation impact and the enduring influence it has had on the academic community. Originality, relevance, and the sustained citation over time are key considerations in identifying papers deserving of the 'Most Cited Paper Award.'

Submission Guidelines: Nomination submissions must include a comprehensive biography, an abstract outlining the paper's significance, and supporting files that provide evidence of the paper's impact, such as citation metrics and testimonials. Detailed submission guidelines can be found on our official website.

Recognition and Community Impact: Beyond individual recognition, the 'Most Cited Paper Award' emphasizes the broader impact on academic communities, institutions, and the advancement of knowledge. Winners will be celebrated for their role in shaping the scholarly landscape.

Biography: Nominees are encouraged to provide a detailed biography, showcasing their academic journey, key contributions, and the evolution of their research focus.

Abstract and Supporting Files: The abstract should succinctly capture the significance of the nominated paper. Supporting files, such as citation reports, testimonials, or visual representations of the paper's impact, should provide tangible evidence of its enduring influence.