Carmen Rotondi | Sustainable Design | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Carmen Rotondi – Sustainable Design – Best Researcher Award


Sapienza University of Rome | Italy


📍Current Position

Dr. Carmen Rotondi currently holds a Researcher (RTD-A) position in Design at the Department of Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture (PDTA) at Sapienza University of Rome. This role is aligned with the PNRR PE|11 project, focusing on the thematic line “MICS – Circular and Sustainable Made in Italy,” under the supervision of Prof. L. Imbesi. Her research primarily revolves around materials for design, digital technologies, systemic design approaches, and sustainable innovations in the Italian furniture and fashion industries.


📝Publication Achievements 

Journals Published

Dr. Rotondi has an impressive portfolio of scientific publications that reflects her deep engagement with the fields of bio-digital design, material systems, and sustainability. Some of her recent works include: “Bio-digital’ Material Systems” – A chapter in a book published by Springer in 2024, co-authored with S. Lucibello, focusing on new hybrid ways for material-driven design innovation. “Bioreceptive Ceramic Surfaces: Material Experimentations for Responsible Research and Design Innovation in Circular Economy Transition and ‘Ecological Augmentation'” – A significant paper in Sustainability. “How are the informed relations between physical, digital, and biological dimensions changing the design practice, as well as the sustainability paradigm?” – Published in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.

🔍Ongoing Research 

Dr. Rotondi is actively involved in research that delves into the convergence of nature and technology, particularly through the lens of Bio-Digital and Bio-Augmented Materiality. Her ongoing projects include: “Bio-digital manufacturing: new hybrid biofabrication protocols as experimental domains of convergence between design and contemporary biosciences.” “Bio-Augmented Materiality: Hybrid and Strategic Visions for Advanced Manufacturing,” which explores innovative approaches to materiality where design and biology intersect.

 🔬Research Interests 

Dr. Rotondi’s research interests are diverse and interdisciplinary, encompassing: Bio-Digital Manufacturing: Exploring new methods of fabricating materials that integrate biological elements. Sustainable Design: Innovating eco-friendly materials and processes within the design and architecture fields. Material Systems: Investigating how materials can be designed and utilized to foster a more sustainable and interconnected relationship between humans and the environment. Biomimetics and Biodesign: Drawing inspiration from nature to create designs that are both functional and environmentally responsible.

🎓Academic Background 

Dr. Rotondi’s academic journey is marked by excellence and dedication: Ph.D. in Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture (PDTA) from Sapienza University of Rome (2023), with honors. Her thesis, titled “Bio-Augmented Materiality. A Strategic Vision for Bio-Digital Design,” focused on the convergence of nature and artifice in design. International Master’s Degree in Product Design from Sapienza University of Rome (2018), with honors and a thesis on the biological encoding of design. Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design from Sapienza University of Rome (2015), where she graduated with honors.

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

Throughout her career, Dr. Rotondi has received several scholarships and awards, highlighting her academic and research excellence: A Ph.D. scholarship from the Department of Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture at Sapienza University. Several collaboration grants at Sapienza University and other institutions, which supported her research in digital fabrication, eco-sustainable materials, and rapid manufacturing.

💻Bioinformatics and Digital Fabrication 

Dr. Rotondi’s work in bioinformatics and digital fabrication is groundbreaking. She has developed protocols that merge biological sciences with design, particularly through bio-digital manufacturing. Her expertise in 3D printing, bioprinting, and the use of unconventional materials like ceramics and biomaterials has led to innovative contributions in design and sustainability.

🌐Professional Associations 

Dr. Rotondi is an active member of various professional associations and research groups. She has collaborated with institutes, research centers, and companies, enhancing her research’s impact and reach. She is also a founding member of the Youth Association Laboratorio 11, dedicated to scientific dissemination through art and design.

 📚Training & Workshops 

Dr. Rotondi has participated in and organized numerous training sessions and workshops, focusing on bio-digital fabrication, sustainable design, and the integration of biological elements into the design process. Her workshops often emphasize interdisciplinary approaches, combining insights from design, biology, and technology.

 🎤Oral Presentations and🗣️Thought Leadership 

Dr. Rotondi is a sought-after speaker at national and international conferences. She has delivered lectures on topics such as “Bio-digital fabrication in Fashion Design” and “Biomimetics. Innovation Inspired by Nature,” sharing her research findings and insights with a broader audience.

 🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

As a researcher, Dr. Rotondi has completed numerous tasks, including: The development of new bio-digital manufacturing protocols. Coordination of research projects focused on sustainable materials and design. Supervision of thesis projects at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels.

 🚀Success Factors 

Dr. Rotondi attributes her success to a combination of academic rigor, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a passion for sustainable design. Her ability to integrate complex scientific concepts into practical design applications has set her apart in the field.

 🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

Dr. Rotondi’s publications are widely recognized for their contribution to sustainable design and bio-digital manufacturing. Her laboratory experience, particularly in digital fabrication and bioprinting, has enabled her to pioneer new methods and materials that push the boundaries of what is possible in design.


Bio-digital ‘Material Systems’: New Hybrid Ways for Material-Driven Design Innovation

     Authors: Rotondi, C., Gironi, C., Ciufo, D., Diana, M., Lucibello, S.

Bio-digital ‘Material Systems’: New Hybrid Ways for Material-Driven Design Innovation

    Authors: Lucibello, S., Rotondi, C.

Resilience Envelopes: The “Fourth Environment” as a Source of Inspiration, a Place for Speculation and a Territory for Experimenting with New Models of Life

    Authors: Inglese, G., Lucibello, S., Rotondi, C.


How the informed relations between physical, digital and biological dimensions are changing the design practice, as well as the sustainability paradigm

    Authors: Rotondi, C.

The Biological Encoding of Design and The Premises for a New Generation of ‘Living’ Products: The Example of Sinapsi | La codificació biològica del disseny i premisses per a una nova generació de productes ‘vius’: l’exemple de Sinapsi

    Authors: Lucibello, S., Rotondi, C.

    Journal:Temes de Disseny


jiaxi wu | Environmental management and green development | Best Researcher Award

Ms. jiaxi wu – management and green development  – Best Researcher Award

China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing | China

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Education and Training

He embarked on her academic journey with a solid foundation in finance and international business. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, where she majored in Finance and minored in International Business. This multidisciplinary approach equipped her with a robust understanding of global financial systems and business dynamics. Driven by a passion for innovation and technology, she pursued a master’s degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in E-commerce and Engineering Management. Her master’s studies deepened her understanding of the intersection between technology and business, paving the way for her future research endeavors.

 Professional Endeavors 💼

Academic Positions

His professional journey is marked by her commitment to academic excellence and her pursuit of impactful research. She is currently in the final year of her PhD at the China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, focusing on environmental management and green development. Her research interests are centered around ecological economics and enterprise innovation management. Throughout her academic career, He has demonstrated a remarkable ability to translate theoretical concepts into practical solutions for contemporary environmental challenges.


Contributions and Research Focus on management and green development📚

Research and Innovations

He has made significant contributions to the field of environmental management and green development. Her research is characterized by its interdisciplinary nature, combining elements of ecological economics and enterprise innovation management. She has authored a total of 13 papers in SCI/SSCI journals, with several publications in leading SCI TOP journals. Notably, one of her papers has been rated 3-star ABS, highlighting the quality and impact of her work. his research projects are diverse, addressing various aspects of environmental management, including sustainability practices, green technologies, and policy implications.


Accolades and Recognition 🏆

His academic excellence has been recognized through various accolades and awards. She has been awarded the second school-level scholarships at the China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, a testament to her dedication and scholarly achievements. In addition to her research publications, he serves as an anonymous reviewer for prestigious journals such as Energy Efficiency and Food Policy, further demonstrating her expertise and contributions to the academic community. Her work has garnered high citations, reflecting its significance and influence in the field.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

Community Impact

His research has had a profound impact on the field of environmental management and green development. Her work on ecological economics and enterprise innovation management has provided valuable insights into sustainable practices and their implementation in various industries. By exploring the economic and managerial aspects of environmental sustainability, he has contributed to a better understanding of how businesses can adopt green practices while maintaining economic viability. Her research has influenced policy discussions and decision-making processes, highlighting the importance of integrating environmental considerations into business strategies.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

Future Contributions

As he approaches the culmination of her PhD journey, her legacy in the field of environmental management and green development is already well-established. Her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to impactful research have set a high standard for future scholars. Looking ahead, he aims to continue her research and contribute to the development of sustainable solutions for global environmental challenges. Her future contributions are expected to further bridge the gap between academic research and practical applications, fostering a more sustainable and resilient world.


Notable Publications 

Mohd Parvez | Solar Energy | Lifetime achievement Award

Prof. Mohd Parvez – Solar Energy – Lifetime achievement Award 

Al Falah University  |  India

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

His embarked on his academic journey with a firm foundation in mechanical engineering. He completed his Bachelor of Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, achieving a commendable 77.59% FCPI. This laid the groundwork for his subsequent academic pursuits, including a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, where he graduated with a CPI of 76.7%. His academic zeal continued to propel him forward, culminating in a Ph.D. from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, in 2015, focusing on “Implementation of Thermodynamic Equilibrium Model for Exergy Analysis of Syngas Fuelled Combined Power Cycles.”

 Professional Endeavors 💼

With a robust educational background, He delved into the realms of teaching and research, accumulating over 23 years of teaching experience since 2000. His journey at Al-Falah University, Faridabad, commenced in 2009, where he started as an Assistant Professor and steadily climbed the ranks to become Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Notably, he assumed the position of Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, and currently serves as the Registrar of Al-Falah University, a testament to his administrative acumen and leadership skills.

Contributions and Research Focus on Solar Energy📚

His research interests span a wide spectrum of thermodynamics, energy systems, and sustainable engineering practices. His seminal work includes pioneering research on solar thermal powered cogeneration and trigeneration systems, and the exergy analysis of various energy applications. He has supervised numerous Ph.D. and M.Tech. dissertations, contributing significantly to the advancement of knowledge in his field.

 Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Throughout his career, He has garnered recognition for his scholarly contributions and academic leadership. His publications in prestigious international journals such as Biomass and Bioenergy, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, and Thermal Science and Engineering Progress attest to his research impact and scholarly standing. His patents, including innovative methods for drone-based methane detection and solar disinfection systems, underscore his commitment to practical solutions in renewable energy and environmental sustainability.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

His influence extends beyond academia into industry and policy-making circles. His research outcomes have contributed significantly to the development of sustainable energy technologies and efficient engineering practices. His collaborations with international researchers and participation in conferences worldwide have further amplified his impact on global academic discourse.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

Looking ahead, His continues to advocate for green manufacturing, renewable energy applications, and sustainable engineering practices. His ongoing supervision of doctoral candidates and engagement in emerging research trends reaffirms his commitment to shaping the future of mechanical engineering education and research.

His journey epitomizes dedication, academic excellence, and visionary leadership in the field of mechanical engineering. His contributions to teaching, research, and administrative roles at Al-Falah University underscore his multifaceted impact and enduring legacy in the academic community.


Citations          610

h-index            15

i10-index         20

Notable Publications 

Tanawan Kumpimpa | Energy | Best Researcher Award

Ms. Tanawan Kumpimpa – Energy  – Best Researcher Award

Department of Shipping and Transportation Management, National Taiwan Ocean University | Taiwan

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Her academic journey began with a strong foundation in economics. After earning her Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Kasetsart University, Thailand, in 2021, she pursued a Master of Business Management from Asia University, Taiwan, graduating in 2023. Her academic pursuits have laid a solid groundwork for her current research interests, which encompass energy, the circular economy, and sustainability.

 Professional Endeavors 💼

As a first-year PhD student at the National Taiwan Ocean University’s Department of Shipping and Transportation Management, Tanawan is delving deeper into her research fields. Despite being early in her academic career, she has already contributed significantly to the academic community through collaborative research projects. Her professional journey is marked by her dedication to understanding and improving energy resilience and supply chain finance risk management, particularly in the context of sustainability and circular economy principles.

Contributions and Research Focus on Energy 📚

Her research primarily focuses on energy resilience, the circular economy, and sustainability. She aims to bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical implementation. Her work provides valuable insights into improving government performance through the implementation of various attributes. By identifying causal relationships between these attributes, she guides stakeholders and policymakers to focus on critical areas, thereby enhancing industry-related practices.

In her recent publication, “Assessing energy resilience under uncertainty in Taiwan: System response ability and energy sufficiency,” published in the Energy Strategy Reviews, she explores the challenges and solutions related to energy resilience in Taiwan. Another significant publication is “A supply chain finance risk management model for the electric vehicle supply chain: a data-driven analysis,” in the International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. These studies highlight her ability to address complex issues through data-driven analysis and strategic insights.

 Accolades and Recognition 🏆

While her academic career is still in its early stages, her contributions have already been recognized in the form of publications in reputable journals. Her work has been published alongside other prominent researchers, indicating her emerging presence in the academic community. Although she has not yet received formal awards, the impact of her research is beginning to be acknowledged by her peers and academic institutions.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

Her research has a significant impact on both academia and industry. By focusing on energy resilience and sustainability, she addresses some of the most pressing issues of our time. Her work on supply chain finance risk management for the electric vehicle sector is particularly relevant as the world transitions to more sustainable transportation options. Through her research, she provides actionable insights that can help policymakers and industry leaders make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

She is poised to make substantial contributions to her field in the coming years. Her commitment to sustainability and the circular economy aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable development. As she progresses through her PhD program, she will likely continue to produce high-impact research that influences policy and industry practices.

Her future contributions are expected to further the understanding of energy resilience and the implementation of circular economy principles. By offering a structured framework for enhancing societal and industrial practices, Her research will guide policymakers and industry leaders in developing more robust strategies, fostering greater sustainability.

Khalid M. Alharbi | Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr.Khalid M. Alharbi – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Best Researcher Award

 Taibah University | Saudi Arabia

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

His journey in academia began with his pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Qassim University, Saudi Arabia, in 2012. Demonstrating a strong aptitude for numbers and financial systems, he progressed to Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, where he earned a Master’s degree in Accounting in 2016. His academic endeavors culminated with a Ph.D. in Accounting from Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, in 2021. His dissertation, focusing on the impact of the 2030 Vision and firm characteristics on corporate social responsibility disclosure in Saudi Arabia, showcases his deep interest in sustainability and corporate governance.


Professional Endeavors

he has an extensive professional background, marked by roles in both academic and business settings. His career began as a Teaching Assistant at Taibah University from 2012 to 2020. In this role, he was instrumental in nurturing the next generation of accountants. He briefly lectured at the National Entrepreneurship Institute in 2013, where he coached an intensive course, “Start Your Project,” and evaluated feasibility studies for entrepreneurs in Yanbu.

his leadership skills came to the fore when he served as the Head of Management and Accounting Department at Taibah University from 2022 to 2024. Currently, he holds the position of Assistant Professor at Taibah University and serves as the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the College of Business Administration (CBA) in Yanbu since September 2022.


Contributions and Research Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

His is an academic with a profound interest in teaching and research in sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD), institutional changes, corporate governance, and risk management. His research contributions are significant, particularly in the fields of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, as reflected in his numerous publications.

One of his notable works includes the study on the impact of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 on corporate social responsibility disclosures. His research has provided valuable insights into how firms adapt to new regulatory environments and the broader socio-economic impacts of these adaptations.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, He has received numerous accolades that highlight his expertise and dedication. He is known for his leadership in academia and has been recognized for his contributions to research and education in accounting. His role in developing academic programs at Taibah University has been particularly impactful, setting new standards for academic excellence and research in the region.

Impact and Influence

His work has had a significant impact on both the academic community and the corporate sector. His research on corporate governance and sustainability has influenced policy-making and business practices, particularly in Saudi Arabia. His dedication to continuous learning and improvement has inspired many students and professionals in the field of accounting.

Legacy and Future Contributions

He continues his career, his commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and leadership remains steadfast. His future contributions are expected to further enhance the fields of sustainability, corporate governance, and risk management. his legacy is one of dedication, innovation, and impact, and his work will continue to influence and inspire future generations.



Citations     115

h-index       6

i10-index    4


Notable Publications

José-María Montero | Sustainability, Enviroment and air quality | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. José-María Montero | Sustainability, Enviroment and air quality | Best Researcher Award

University of Castilla-La Mancha - Spain

Professional Profiles:

Google Scholar

Scopus Profile

Orcid Profile

Researchgate Profile

Linkedin Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

Dr. José-María Montero's academic journey began with a deep-rooted interest in statistical methodologies. Graduating with distinction in Statistics from Castile-La Mancha University, his foundational research in the late 1980s laid the groundwork for his pioneering career.

Professional Endeavors:

his swiftly ascended the academic ladder, assuming diverse roles that shaped the landscape of statistical analysis. He led several groundbreaking research projects funded by prestigious institutions, such as the Spanish Institute of Meteorology and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, Spain. His directorship in studies like "The Impact of Meteorology on the Spanish Economy" and "Statistical Methodology for Qualitative Data Analysis" demonstrated his multidisciplinary expertise.

Contributions and Research Focus:

His contributions transcend traditional statistical analyses. His research delved into the economic implications of meteorological phenomena, the integration of currencies into monetary systems, and the structural dynamics of various sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and finance. His emphasis on qualitative data analysis and spatial information added new dimensions to conventional statistical methodologies.

Accolades and Recognition:

His scholarly excellence earned him accolades from both academic and governmental bodies. His meticulous approach to research, evident in projects funded by esteemed entities like the Spanish Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, garnered respect and recognition in statistical circles.

Impact and Influence:

His work bridged theoretical statistical concepts with practical applications, influencing policy-making in various sectors. His studies on the impact of weather on the economy and the assessment of financial advisors' knowledge had tangible implications, shaping decisions in relevant industries.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

His leaves behind a legacy of interdisciplinary statistical research that redefined conventional approaches. His commitment to exploring new methodologies for analyzing qualitative data and his emphasis on the economic repercussions of natural phenomena have set a precedent for future researchers. His pioneering work continues to inspire the next generation of statisticians to explore uncharted territories in statistical analysis.

Notable Publications:

1 Post-Brexit exchange rate volatility and its impact on UK exports to eurozone countries: A bounds testing approach
Naimy, V., El Khoury, R., Montero, J.-M., Souk, J.(1)

2 Editorial: National health services: Efficiency, welfare and economy
Valls Martínez, M.D.C., Montero, J.-M., Biggeri, A.

3 Regional well-being inequalities arising from healthcare expenditure public policies in Spain
Valls Martínez, M.D.C., Grasso, M.S., Montero, J.-M. (2)

4 An extended CAViaR model for early-warning of exceedances of the air pollution standards. The case of PM10 in the city of Madrid
Sanchis-Marco, L., Montero, J.-M., Fernández-Avilés, G. (1)

5 A local spatial STIRPAT model for outdoor NOx concentrations in the community of Madrid, Spain
Montero, J.-M., Fernández-Avilés, G., Laureti, T.(7)

6 A Stochastic Model with Penalized Coefficients for Spatial Price Comparisons: An Application to Regional Price Indexes in Italy
Montero, J.-M., Laureti, T., Mínguez, R., Fernández-Avilés, G. (2)

7 Extreme downside risk co-movement in commodity markets during distress periods: a multidimensional scaling approach
Fernández-Avilés, G., Montero, J.-M., Sanchis-Marco, L. (17)

8 Market volatility of the three most powerful military countries during their intervention in the Syrian war
Naimy, V., Montero, J.-M., El Khoury, R., Maalouf, N.(5)

9 Estimating environment impacts on housing prices
Montero, J.-M., Fernández-Avilés, G., Mínguez, R.(6)

10 Functional kriging prediction of atmospheric particulate matter concentrations in Madrid, Spain: Is the new monitoring system masking potential public health problems?
Montero, J.-M., Fernández-Avilés, G.