Carmen Rotondi | Sustainable Design | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Carmen Rotondi – Sustainable Design – Best Researcher Award


Sapienza University of Rome | Italy


📍Current Position

Dr. Carmen Rotondi currently holds a Researcher (RTD-A) position in Design at the Department of Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture (PDTA) at Sapienza University of Rome. This role is aligned with the PNRR PE|11 project, focusing on the thematic line “MICS – Circular and Sustainable Made in Italy,” under the supervision of Prof. L. Imbesi. Her research primarily revolves around materials for design, digital technologies, systemic design approaches, and sustainable innovations in the Italian furniture and fashion industries.


📝Publication Achievements 

Journals Published

Dr. Rotondi has an impressive portfolio of scientific publications that reflects her deep engagement with the fields of bio-digital design, material systems, and sustainability. Some of her recent works include: “Bio-digital’ Material Systems” – A chapter in a book published by Springer in 2024, co-authored with S. Lucibello, focusing on new hybrid ways for material-driven design innovation. “Bioreceptive Ceramic Surfaces: Material Experimentations for Responsible Research and Design Innovation in Circular Economy Transition and ‘Ecological Augmentation'” – A significant paper in Sustainability. “How are the informed relations between physical, digital, and biological dimensions changing the design practice, as well as the sustainability paradigm?” – Published in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.

🔍Ongoing Research 

Dr. Rotondi is actively involved in research that delves into the convergence of nature and technology, particularly through the lens of Bio-Digital and Bio-Augmented Materiality. Her ongoing projects include: “Bio-digital manufacturing: new hybrid biofabrication protocols as experimental domains of convergence between design and contemporary biosciences.” “Bio-Augmented Materiality: Hybrid and Strategic Visions for Advanced Manufacturing,” which explores innovative approaches to materiality where design and biology intersect.

 🔬Research Interests 

Dr. Rotondi’s research interests are diverse and interdisciplinary, encompassing: Bio-Digital Manufacturing: Exploring new methods of fabricating materials that integrate biological elements. Sustainable Design: Innovating eco-friendly materials and processes within the design and architecture fields. Material Systems: Investigating how materials can be designed and utilized to foster a more sustainable and interconnected relationship between humans and the environment. Biomimetics and Biodesign: Drawing inspiration from nature to create designs that are both functional and environmentally responsible.

🎓Academic Background 

Dr. Rotondi’s academic journey is marked by excellence and dedication: Ph.D. in Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture (PDTA) from Sapienza University of Rome (2023), with honors. Her thesis, titled “Bio-Augmented Materiality. A Strategic Vision for Bio-Digital Design,” focused on the convergence of nature and artifice in design. International Master’s Degree in Product Design from Sapienza University of Rome (2018), with honors and a thesis on the biological encoding of design. Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design from Sapienza University of Rome (2015), where she graduated with honors.

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

Throughout her career, Dr. Rotondi has received several scholarships and awards, highlighting her academic and research excellence: A Ph.D. scholarship from the Department of Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture at Sapienza University. Several collaboration grants at Sapienza University and other institutions, which supported her research in digital fabrication, eco-sustainable materials, and rapid manufacturing.

💻Bioinformatics and Digital Fabrication 

Dr. Rotondi’s work in bioinformatics and digital fabrication is groundbreaking. She has developed protocols that merge biological sciences with design, particularly through bio-digital manufacturing. Her expertise in 3D printing, bioprinting, and the use of unconventional materials like ceramics and biomaterials has led to innovative contributions in design and sustainability.

🌐Professional Associations 

Dr. Rotondi is an active member of various professional associations and research groups. She has collaborated with institutes, research centers, and companies, enhancing her research’s impact and reach. She is also a founding member of the Youth Association Laboratorio 11, dedicated to scientific dissemination through art and design.

 📚Training & Workshops 

Dr. Rotondi has participated in and organized numerous training sessions and workshops, focusing on bio-digital fabrication, sustainable design, and the integration of biological elements into the design process. Her workshops often emphasize interdisciplinary approaches, combining insights from design, biology, and technology.

 🎤Oral Presentations and🗣️Thought Leadership 

Dr. Rotondi is a sought-after speaker at national and international conferences. She has delivered lectures on topics such as “Bio-digital fabrication in Fashion Design” and “Biomimetics. Innovation Inspired by Nature,” sharing her research findings and insights with a broader audience.

 🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

As a researcher, Dr. Rotondi has completed numerous tasks, including: The development of new bio-digital manufacturing protocols. Coordination of research projects focused on sustainable materials and design. Supervision of thesis projects at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels.

 🚀Success Factors 

Dr. Rotondi attributes her success to a combination of academic rigor, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a passion for sustainable design. Her ability to integrate complex scientific concepts into practical design applications has set her apart in the field.

 🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

Dr. Rotondi’s publications are widely recognized for their contribution to sustainable design and bio-digital manufacturing. Her laboratory experience, particularly in digital fabrication and bioprinting, has enabled her to pioneer new methods and materials that push the boundaries of what is possible in design.


Bio-digital ‘Material Systems’: New Hybrid Ways for Material-Driven Design Innovation

     Authors: Rotondi, C., Gironi, C., Ciufo, D., Diana, M., Lucibello, S.

Bio-digital ‘Material Systems’: New Hybrid Ways for Material-Driven Design Innovation

    Authors: Lucibello, S., Rotondi, C.

Resilience Envelopes: The “Fourth Environment” as a Source of Inspiration, a Place for Speculation and a Territory for Experimenting with New Models of Life

    Authors: Inglese, G., Lucibello, S., Rotondi, C.


How the informed relations between physical, digital and biological dimensions are changing the design practice, as well as the sustainability paradigm

    Authors: Rotondi, C.

The Biological Encoding of Design and The Premises for a New Generation of ‘Living’ Products: The Example of Sinapsi | La codificació biològica del disseny i premisses per a una nova generació de productes ‘vius’: l’exemple de Sinapsi

    Authors: Lucibello, S., Rotondi, C.

    Journal:Temes de Disseny


Ruikun Wang | Waste heat recycling | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Ruikun Wang – Waste heat recycling – Best Researcher Award

North China Electric Power University | China




📍Current Position

He is a distinguished academic and researcher who has dedicated his career to advancing technologies related to organic waste energy conversion, waste heat utilization, microbial energy conversion systems, and coal-water slurry technology. As a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the Department of Power Engineering, North China Electric Power University, he has received numerous accolades, including the title of Yanzhao Talent A-card Expert in Hebei Province and a Candidate for the “333 Talent Project” in Hebei Province. He has completed various significant projects funded by national and international bodies and has published extensively in his field.

📝Publication Achievements 

He has authored and co-authored over 50 research papers as the first or corresponding author and published an academic monograph. His publications span reputable journals and conferences, contributing significantly to the fields of energy engineering and environmental management.

🔍Ongoing Research

He current research includes: Multiphase and Multicomponent Interactions in hydrothermal carbonization of sludge mixtures (National Natural Science Foundation Project). Efficient and Clean Co-firing Technology for multi-low calorific value fuel circulating fluidized beds (National Key Research and Development Project). Hydrothermal Carbonization Wastewater recycling and reaction mechanisms (Beijing Natural Science Foundation Project)

🔬Research Interests 

Organic Waste Energy Conversion, Waste Heat Utilization, Microbial Energy Conversion Systems, Coal-Water Slurry Technology

🎓Academic Background 

2005-2009: Bachelor’s Degree, School of Power and Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan University. 2009-2014: Doctoral Degree, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University. 2014-2015: Engineer, Zhejiang Energy Technology Research Institute Co. Ltd. 2015-2018: Lecturer, North China Electric Power University. 2018-2023: Associate Professor, North China Electric Power University. 2024-Present: Professor, North China Electric Power University.

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

Yanzhao Talent A-card Expert, Hebei Province. Candidate for the “333 Talent Project”, Hebei Province. Lecturer for High-Quality Courses, Hebei Province. Second Prize, Hebei Provincial Natural Science Award (2023). Excellent Chinese and Foreign Youth Exchange Program, China Association for Science and Technology. Excellent Science and Technology Worker, Baoding Association for Science and Technology. Innovative Talent Support and Cultivation Program, North China Electric Power University.

🌐Professional Associations 

Member of various national and international academic societies in energy engineering and environmental science. Active participant in global conferences and symposia, contributing to collaborative research efforts.

 📚Training & Workshops 

He has attended and conducted numerous training sessions and workshops, focusing on advanced energy systems, waste management technologies, and environmental sustainability practices.

🎤Oral Presentations 

He has delivered keynote speeches and presentations at prestigious conferences, sharing insights on energy conversion technologies and sustainability practices.

🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

He Led multiple national and provincial research projects. Developed innovative solutions for waste heat and energy recycling. Published influential research articles and a monograph. Supervised doctoral and postdoctoral research projects.

🚀Success Factors 

He attributes his success to his dedication to research, continuous learning, and collaborative efforts with national and international partners. His work has had a profound impact on the field of waste heat recycling and energy conversion.

🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

The Slurrying Properties of Coal Water Slurries Containing Raw Sewage Sludge”, Energy & Fuels, 2011. “The Slurrying Properties of Slurry Fuels Made of Petroleum Coke and Petrochemical Sludge”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2012. “Effects of Calcium Oxide on the Surface Properties of Municipal Wastewater Sludge and Its Co-Slurrying Ability with Coal”, Science of the Total Environment, 2013.


jiaxi wu | Environmental management and green development | Best Researcher Award

Ms. jiaxi wu – management and green development  – Best Researcher Award

China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing | China

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Education and Training

He embarked on her academic journey with a solid foundation in finance and international business. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, where she majored in Finance and minored in International Business. This multidisciplinary approach equipped her with a robust understanding of global financial systems and business dynamics. Driven by a passion for innovation and technology, she pursued a master’s degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in E-commerce and Engineering Management. Her master’s studies deepened her understanding of the intersection between technology and business, paving the way for her future research endeavors.

 Professional Endeavors 💼

Academic Positions

His professional journey is marked by her commitment to academic excellence and her pursuit of impactful research. She is currently in the final year of her PhD at the China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, focusing on environmental management and green development. Her research interests are centered around ecological economics and enterprise innovation management. Throughout her academic career, He has demonstrated a remarkable ability to translate theoretical concepts into practical solutions for contemporary environmental challenges.


Contributions and Research Focus on management and green development📚

Research and Innovations

He has made significant contributions to the field of environmental management and green development. Her research is characterized by its interdisciplinary nature, combining elements of ecological economics and enterprise innovation management. She has authored a total of 13 papers in SCI/SSCI journals, with several publications in leading SCI TOP journals. Notably, one of her papers has been rated 3-star ABS, highlighting the quality and impact of her work. his research projects are diverse, addressing various aspects of environmental management, including sustainability practices, green technologies, and policy implications.


Accolades and Recognition 🏆

His academic excellence has been recognized through various accolades and awards. She has been awarded the second school-level scholarships at the China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, a testament to her dedication and scholarly achievements. In addition to her research publications, he serves as an anonymous reviewer for prestigious journals such as Energy Efficiency and Food Policy, further demonstrating her expertise and contributions to the academic community. Her work has garnered high citations, reflecting its significance and influence in the field.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

Community Impact

His research has had a profound impact on the field of environmental management and green development. Her work on ecological economics and enterprise innovation management has provided valuable insights into sustainable practices and their implementation in various industries. By exploring the economic and managerial aspects of environmental sustainability, he has contributed to a better understanding of how businesses can adopt green practices while maintaining economic viability. Her research has influenced policy discussions and decision-making processes, highlighting the importance of integrating environmental considerations into business strategies.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

Future Contributions

As he approaches the culmination of her PhD journey, her legacy in the field of environmental management and green development is already well-established. Her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to impactful research have set a high standard for future scholars. Looking ahead, he aims to continue her research and contribute to the development of sustainable solutions for global environmental challenges. Her future contributions are expected to further bridge the gap between academic research and practical applications, fostering a more sustainable and resilient world.


Notable Publications 

Tony Hou | Carbon Tax & Carbon Tax Revenue Recycling | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Tony Hou – Carbon Tax & Carbon Tax Revenue Recycling – Best Researcher Award

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | China

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Education and Training

Tony Chieh-Tse Hou began his academic journey with a strong foundation in finance and economics. He pursued an MBA and a Ph.D. in Finance, laying the groundwork for a career that would bridge the gap between theoretical finance and its practical applications. His early academic pursuits were characterized by a keen interest in the dynamics of financial markets and the regulatory frameworks that govern them. This period was marked by rigorous research and a dedication to understanding the complexities of financial systems, setting the stage for his future contributions to the field

 Professional Endeavors 💼

Academic Positions

Tony Chieh-Tse Hou joined the faculty of the Management School at National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) in 2007. Over the years, he has held several key positions at NDHU, including Professor of Finance in the Department of Finance, Vice Dean of International Affairs, and Director of the International Foundation Program at the Office of International Affairs. His roles have also extended to leadership positions such as Head of the Department of Finance and Banking and Director of the International Bachelor of Management Science and Finance Program. His professional endeavors reflect a commitment to both academic excellence and administrative leadership, contributing significantly to the growth and development of NDHU’s finance programs.

Contributions and Research Focus on Carbon Tax & Carbon Tax Revenue Recycling📚

Research and Innovations

Tony Chieh-Tse Hou’s research interests are diverse and impactful, focusing on the regulation of financial markets, innovative financial activities, security valuation, carbon pricing and trading, climate risk financial disclosure, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, and the role of affect in human judgment and decision-making. As the director of the Sustainable Finance Research Centre (SFRC) at NDHU, he has spearheaded research initiatives that explore the intersection of finance and sustainability. His contributions to the field include working papers and journal articles on topics such as corporate social responsibility disclosure, temperature and carbon disclosure, carbon tax impacts, and the influence of independent directors’ networks on corporate social responsibility.

Key Publications

  • “Corporate Carbon Emissions and Firm Performance in South Africa” (with Griffin Msefula and Nokwnda Nokubongwa Dlamini), published in the Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research.
  • “The Correlation between Independent Directors’ Social Networks and Corporate Credit Ratings” (with Wang Chao-xian and Wu Jun-lei), published in the Soochow Journal of Economics and Business.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Tony Chieh-Tse Hou has been recognized for his contributions to the field of finance and his commitment to academic excellence. His work has been published in reputable journals and he has been a frequent contributor to market commentary and economic analysis in prominent publications such as the Economic Daily. His expertise and insights are highly regarded, and his academic appointments reflect the trust and respect he has earned within the academic and professional communities.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

Community Impact

Tony Chieh-Tse Hou’s impact extends beyond his academic and professional achievements. His work in sustainable finance and climate risk financial disclosure has influenced both policy and practice, highlighting the importance of integrating environmental considerations into financial decision-making. His research has provided valuable insights into how financial markets can adapt to the challenges posed by climate change and has underscored the critical role of corporate social responsibility in enhancing firm performance.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

Future Contributions

Looking ahead, Tony Chieh-Tse Hou’s legacy is poised to be one of lasting influence in the fields of finance and sustainability. His ongoing research and leadership at NDHU continue to shape the discourse around sustainable finance and the regulatory frameworks needed to support it. As he mentors the next generation of finance professionals and researchers, his contributions are likely to inspire continued innovation and progress in understanding and addressing the financial implications of climate change.

Future Directions

  • Enhancing Sustainable Finance Education: As a professor and director, Tony Chieh-Tse Hou is well-positioned to further integrate sustainability into finance curricula, preparing students to address future challenges in the field.
  • Expanding Research on ESG: His future work will likely continue to explore the role of ESG factors in financial performance, providing critical insights for investors and policymakers.
  • Influencing Policy: Through his research and publications, he will continue to influence policy decisions related to carbon pricing, climate risk disclosure, and corporate governance.

Notable Publications 

Wenjun Wei | green space system planning | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Wenjun Wei – green space system planning – Best Researcher Award

Nanchang Institute of Science and Technology | China

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

His journey in landscape architecture began at Kharkov State University of Art and Design, where he majored in landscape ecology and green space system planning. During his studies, Wei developed a strong foundation in ecological principles and sustainable design, setting the stage for a career dedicated to enhancing urban environments through innovative landscape architecture solutions.


Professional Endeavors

After completing his education ,he joined the Nanchang Institute of Science and Technology as a lecturer. His professional career has been marked by a commitment to integrating academic research with practical applications in landscape architecture. Wei has presided over numerous projects, including the Nanchang Social Science Project and the Industry-University Cooperation Project of the Ministry of Education. His focus on combining blockchain technology with project management has led to more transparent and efficient use of research funds, enhancing trust and accountability in his projects.


Contributions and Research Focus on green space system planning

His research interests lie at the intersection of landscape architecture, ecology, and green space planning. He has completed twenty research projects, with his work extensively cited in the Science Citation Index (SCI). his innovative approach includes integrating blockchain accounting into project management, promoting transparency and efficiency. This methodology not only advances financial management in garden projects but also bridges the gap between theoretical research and practical implementation.

Accolades and Recognition

his ccontributions to landscape architecture have been recognized through various accolades. His work has led to the publication of numerous papers in high-impact journals indexed in SCI and Scopus. Additionally, Wei has published a book (ISBN: 9789811812248) and holds three patents, underscoring his commitment to advancing knowledge and technology in his field.

Impact and Influence

His impact extends beyond his immediate research projects. His innovative use of blockchain for project management has set new standards for transparency and efficiency in research funding. This approach has garnered attention and respect within the academic community, positioning Wei as a thought leader in the integration of technology and landscape architecture.

Legacy and Future Contributions

His legacy is characterized by his pioneering efforts in sustainable landscape architecture and his innovative use of blockchain technology for project management. As he continues to teach and mentor at the Nanchang Institute of Science and Technology, his future contributions will likely focus on expanding his research and implementing new technologies to further enhance sustainability and transparency in landscape architecture.


Notable Publications