Hechang Chen| Artificial Intelligence | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Hechang Chen – Artificial Intelligence – Best Researcher Award

Education Background

Doctoral Candidate in Computer Software and Theory: Duration: September 2014 – December 2018, Institution: College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University. Visiting Doctoral Student: Duration: July 2017 – January 2018, Institution: Health and Medical Informatics Research Center, School of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University. Jointly Cultivated Doctoral Student: Duration: November 2015 – December 2016, Institution: College of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Jilin University, School of Artificial Intelligence | China




📍Current Position

Hechang Chen is an Associate Professor at the School of Artificial Intelligence, Jilin University (JLU), China. He specializes in cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) research and has been affiliated with Jilin University since completing his advanced studies. With a strong foundation in machine learning, data mining, and AI for science, Dr. Chen’s work focuses on innovative solutions and applications in intelligent gaming and embodied AI.

📝Publication Achievements 

Journals Published

Dr. Chen has an impressive publication record, with over 70 articles in prestigious international journals and conferences such as IEEE TPAMI, TKDE, TNNLS, TIST, NeurIPS, ICML, KDD, SIGIR, and AAAI. His notable works include contributions to NeurIPS 2022 and 2023, ICML 2024, and other high-impact forums. His research outputs are recognized for their significant impact in the fields of deep reinforcement learning, machine learning, and data science, contributing valuable insights into AI methodologies.

🔍Ongoing Research 

Currently, Dr. Chen is engaged in multiple research projects, including the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project on “Intelligent Active Monitoring Methods under Complex Migration Patterns” and the Major Project of the National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Initiative on “Intelligent Theories and Methods for Complex Dynamic Systems.” These projects, funded by substantial grants, explore advanced AI methodologies, intelligent monitoring, and dynamic system analysis, pushing the boundaries of AI technology.

🔬Research Interests 

Dr. Chen’s research interests encompass a wide range of AI domains, including: Machine Learning: Developing novel algorithms and approaches for supervised and unsupervised learning. Data Mining: Extracting meaningful patterns and insights from large datasets. Intelligent Gaming: Innovating in AI applications for game design and player experience enhancement. AI for Science: Applying AI techniques to solve complex scientific problems. Embodied AI: Focusing on AI systems that interact with the physical world.

🎓Academic Background 

Dr. Chen’s academic journey began with a Master’s and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Technology from Jilin University. His doctoral research was under the guidance of Professor Bo Yang. He further enhanced his expertise through international experiences as a joint Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and a visiting doctoral student at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), where he worked with esteemed mentors, Professor Philip S. Yu and Professor Jiming Liu.

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

Dr. Chen has received numerous accolades, including the First Prize in the Jilin Provincial Natural Science Award for his work on “Domain-Driven Theory and Methodology for Network Big Data Analysis.” This prestigious recognition highlights his contributions to the advancement of big data and network analysis theories.

🌐Professional Associations 

Dr. Chen is actively involved in various professional associations, collaborating with international scholars and institutions. His work with IEEE and other leading AI and data science conferences showcases his commitment to the global AI research community. He collaborates extensively on international projects, contributing to the cross-pollination of ideas and innovations in AI.

 📚Training & Workshops 

Dr. Chen frequently participates in and conducts workshops and training sessions, sharing his expertise in machine learning and AI. These activities not only advance his knowledge but also contribute to the professional development of students and peers in the AI community.

🎤Oral Presentations 

An engaging speaker, Dr. Chen has delivered numerous oral presentations at top-tier conferences, including NeurIPS, ICML, and AAAI. His presentations cover a range of topics from reinforcement learning to data science, providing insights into his latest research findings and theoretical advancements.

🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

As a researcher, Dr. Chen has undertaken various tasks, including leading significant AI projects, developing new machine learning algorithms, and publishing extensively in high-impact journals. His work involves a meticulous blend of theoretical and applied research, ensuring that his contributions are both innovative and practical.

🚀Success Factors 

Dr. Chen’s success is attributed to his strong analytical skills, interdisciplinary approach, and commitment to advancing AI technology. His international education and collaborations have provided him with a broad perspective, enabling him to tackle complex AI challenges with innovative solutions.

🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

Dr. Chen’s laboratory experience is rich with projects focusing on deep learning, reinforcement learning, and AI applications in various domains. His publications, such as those in IEEE TKDE and TNNLS, are a testament to his expertise and significant contributions to the field. These works


Tao Chen | artificial intelligence (AI) | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Tao Chen – artificial intelligence (AI) – Best Researcher Award

fudan university  | China


📍Current Position

Chen Tao (Ph.D.) is a prominent researcher and doctoral supervisor at Fudan University, serving as the Assistant to the Dean of the School of Information. As a key figure in the field, he holds the titles of National Youth Thousands and Shanghai Thousands.

📝Publication Achievements 

Chen Tao has made significant contributions to his field, with over 130 academic papers published in top international journals and conferences, including IEEE TPAMI, TIP, IJCV, CVPR, and NeurIPS. Among these, he boasts 3 ESI highly cited papers and holds more than 20 Chinese patents and international PCT patents. His research has been instrumental in advancing energy-efficient deep learning, large model compression, multimedia information processing, and compact machine vision.


🔍Ongoing Research 

Chen Tao’s ongoing research focuses on energy-efficient deep learning and large model compression. His work is aimed at developing lightweight deep learning models that are both software and hardware efficient. Additionally, he explores multimedia information processing and compact machine vision, with a long-term focus on lightweight deep learning theory and software-hardware collaboration.

🔬Research Interests 

Energy-efficient deep learning. Large model compression. Multimedia information processing. Compact machine vision .Light weight deep learning theory. Software and hardware collaboration

🎓Academic Background 

Ph.D. in Image Information Processing from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (August 2008 – August 2012).Master’s in Circuits and Systems from Zhejiang University (September 2006 – July 2008).Bachelor’s in Electronic Information Engineering from Shandong University (September 2002 – June 2006).

🏆Scholarships and Awards 

First Prize in the 2023 Fudan University Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition Top Ten Graduate Counselors of Fudan University in 2023. 2023 ICCV International 3D Scene Understanding Challenge Global Champion. Third place in the 2022 ECCV Unmanned Driving Anomaly Challenge. 2021 Fudan University School of Information Dean’s Award.
2021 Global Education Innovation Alliance Outstanding Youth Nomination Award. 2020 Shanghai “Thousand Talents Plan” Innovation Long-term Project Winner. Multiple awards from the Singapore Institute of Information and Communications Technology (I2R).

🌐Professional Associations 

He is actively involved in various professional associations, serving as a director of the Shanghai Image and Graphics Society and a youth member of the China Image and Graphics Society. He is also a member of the Working Committee and Senior Area Chair of the Vision and Learning Symposium.

 📚Training & Workshops 

He has conducted and participated in numerous training sessions and workshops, focusing on advanced topics in deep learning, artificial intelligence, and multimedia processing.

🎤Oral Presentations 

He has delivered several high-impact oral presentations at international conferences and academic events, showcasing his research findings and innovations.

🧑‍🔬Tasks Completed as a Researcher 

Leading national and international research projects. Developing innovative deep learning models. Securing patents and contributing to industry standards. Mentoring doctoral students and junior researchers..

🚀Success Factors 

He attributes his success to his dedication to research, continuous learning, and collaboration with other experts in his field. His ability to secure funding and deliver impactful results has been key to his professional growth.

🧪Publications & Laboratory Experience

His extensive publication record and hands-on laboratory experience highlight his expertise and contributions to the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. His work has been implemented in enterprise terminal products from major companies like Huawei, ZTE, and Xiaomi.


Hui Zhang | Artificial intelligence | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hui Zhang  – Artificial intelligence  – Best Researcher Award

Shandong University | China

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

He embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science degree from the School of Information and Electrical Engineering at Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan, China, in 2022. His early education laid a strong foundation in the field of engineering and information sciences. Eager to delve deeper into the world of control science and engineering, Hui Zhang pursued a Ph.D. at the School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, where he continues to make significant strides in his research endeavors.

 Professional Endeavors 💼

His professional endeavors are marked by a robust engagement in research that bridges theoretical insights with practical applications. His work primarily focuses on fuzzy logic theory, machine learning, computational intelligence, and hydrogen energy systems. Despite being early in his career, Hui Zhang has published three academic papers and has applied for six invention patents, showcasing his dedication to advancing technology and innovation. Additionally, he has three more papers currently under review, indicating a continuous contribution to the academic community.

Contributions and Research Focus on Artificial intelligence📚

His research contributions are both innovative and impactful. His areas of interest include artificial intelligence and intelligent computing, with a specific focus on fuzzy logic and its applications. One of his notable contributions is the development of a novel hybrid deep fuzzy model (HDFM). This model introduces a new parameter optimization strategy that combines gradient descent with Regularization, DropRule, and AdaBound algorithms, significantly enhancing model convergence. The hybrid deep fuzzy architecture proposed by Hui Zhang has demonstrated superior forecasting performance compared to existing models like DIRM-DFM, IT2DIRM-DFM, DCFS, and ANFIS. This model not only offers better interpretability but also provides a more flexible construction property, proving its practical viability in various applications.

 Accolades and Recognition 🏆

His work has been recognized in various esteemed platforms. His publications have been accepted in notable conferences and journals, including:

  1. A Novel Hybrid Deep Fuzzy Model Based on Gradient Descent Algorithm with Application to Time Series Forecasting, Expert Systems with Applications, 2024.
  2. Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System Based on Batch Normalization and Uniform Regularization with Application to Time Series Forecasting, 2023 China Automation Congress (CAC), Chongqing, China.
  3. Time Series Forecasting Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System with PSO, 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC), Beijing, China.

These publications not only highlight his expertise but also his contribution to advancing the field of intelligent computing and fuzzy logic systems.

 Impact and Influence 🌍

His research has a broad impact, particularly in the realm of hydrogen energy systems, which are crucial for sustainable development. He has participated in three national key research and development program projects in China, focusing on the intelligent management and control of hydrogen energy systems and their integration into urban energy supply networks. These projects underscore his role in addressing critical energy challenges through innovative technological solutions. His contributions have a far-reaching influence, promoting the adoption of intelligent systems in real-world applications and paving the way for future advancements in energy management and control technologies.

 Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

As he continues his academic and professional journey, his work is set to leave a lasting legacy in the fields of artificial intelligence and intelligent computing. His innovative approaches to fuzzy logic and machine learning are already making significant impacts, and his ongoing research promises to further advance these fields. Hui Zhang’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in intelligent systems and his contributions to sustainable energy solutions position him as a leading figure in the next generation of researchers.

With his combination of theoretical insights and practical applications ,his future contributions are expected to drive further innovations and advancements. His work will likely continue to inspire and influence both his peers and future researchers, ensuring that his legacy in the field of intelligent computing and energy systems will endure.


Citations          4

h-index            1

i10-index         0