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Qaisar Iqbal | Sustainable Development | Excellence in Research

Dr . Qaisar Iqbal -Sustainable

Development- Excellence in Research

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals | Saudi Arabia

Author Profile 

Early Academic Pursuits

He embarked on his academic journey with a fervent passion for delving into the intricacies of Human Resource Management (HRM). His academic odyssey commenced with a Master of Business Administration from NUML, Pakistan, followed by a Master of Science in Project Management from SZABIST. However, his thirst for knowledge led him to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management from the School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, where he honed his research skills and delved deeper into the realms of HRM.

Professional Endeavors

His professional trajectory is a testament to his commitment to academia and research. He has held esteemed positions at reputable institutions globally, including a stint as a Lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, where he not only imparted knowledge but also engaged in cutting-edge research. His journey continued as he assumed the role of Associate Professor at Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, China, where he left an indelible mark through his dedication to teaching and research. Currently, he serves as a Visiting Assistant Professor at PUCRS Business School, Brazil, and as a Postdoctoral Fellow at KFUPM Business School, Saudi Arabia, where he continues to shape the minds of future HRM professionals.


Contributions and Research Focus in Sustainable Development

His research endeavors have primarily revolved around Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, and Research Methodology. His work spans various facets of HRM, including employees' eco-friendly innovative behaviors, project management approaches in sustainable development, and spiritual leadership. his research contributions have been published in esteemed journals, including the European Management Journal and the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, garnering significant recognition within the academic community.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his illustrious career, he has amassed numerous accolades and recognition for his exemplary contributions to the field of HRM. Noteworthy among these are his publications in renowned journals such as the Journal of Cleaner Production and the European Journal of Innovation Management. His work has been cited extensively, with an impressive H-index of 23 on Google Scholar and 17 on Scopus, reflecting the impact and influence of his research endeavors.

Impact and Influence

His impact extends beyond the realms of academia, permeating into the professional sphere and society at large. His research on sustainable leadership, green HRM, and organizational citizenship behavior has the potential to reshape organizational practices and contribute to environmental sustainability. Through his teaching, mentoring, and research, Dr. Iqbal endeavors to inspire a new generation of HRM professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to address contemporary challenges in the field.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As he continues his journey in academia and research, his legacy is poised to endure through the myriad students he has mentored, the research he has conducted, and the insights he has shared. With an unwavering commitment to excellence he  envisions a future where HRM practices are not only effective but also ethical and sustainable. His relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring researchers and practitioners in the field of Human Resource Management.

In summary, his journey epitomizes the quintessence of academic excellence, research prowess, and dedication to advancing the frontiers of Human Resource Management. His contributions, both scholarly and pedagogical, continue to reverberate across academia, leaving an indelible mark on the field and shaping the future of HRM.

Citations            2202
h-index                  23
i10-index              39
Notable Publications
Qaisar Iqbal | Sustainable Development | Excellence in Research
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